Doll - Chapter 20 - rottendolliezz - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

You lost count of the time that slipped through your fingers.

Seconds blended into hours as you remained in the exact same position Muzan had abandoned you in; a pitiful, broken doll clutching the bloody remains of a mangled eye.

The carpet that had soothingly enveloped your bare kneecaps at first, had now shifted into an abominable itch, making you feel like thousands of maggots swirled beneath your skin. With the remnants of energy you could muster, you crawled towards the sturdy wall, eager to let your aching spine rest against a solid, firm surface.

The inferno in the fireplace had long died, the piercing scent of ash bullying your nostrils. The artificial warmth from the oil lamps and candles scattered throughout the living room were the only beacons of light that illuminated the forsaken place.

The gramophone had stopped singing, the soothing lullabies making way for a piercing silence. The eerie stillness made your ears ring, the melody humming along with the tune of solitude.

You were exhausted.

All the vitality had been drained from your body, your empty eyes devoid of their usual glint. Fatigue manifested itself into massive boulders that had chained themselves to your limbs, preventing you from making the slightest of movements.

Your legs trembled with the desire to stand, lacking the strength to lift you up. Exhaustion kept you firmly in check, the mere thought of lifting your fingertip seeming unachievable as your frame stayed glued to the surface.

The river of blood that poured from your open wound moments ago had stained the carpet, morphing into a haunting trail that tailed your body. The scent of copper clung to your clothes, the lavish layers of your dress now spoiled by scarlet spots. Trails of salt coated your flushed cheeks, your parched tears further draining the moisture from your body.

You didn’t know what was more pathetic. Someone of your status rendered to such a pitiful state, or the fact that some part inside of you ached for Muzan’s return. Your ruby, bloodshot eyes stared mindlessly at the front door in the distance, black spots dancing across your vision as your eyelids trembled in desire.

Some part inside of you wanted nothing more than for him to enter through that door, to envelop you in his embrace and make you feel like you’re worth something again. However, as you sat abandoned in your living room, nauseated by its forged comfort, the grim reality of your situation became painfully clear.

You were left to rot.

Remnants of a thought scrambled in your mind as you awaited the sweet release of Nakime’s strum, eager to annihilate this memory from your mind. An acidic mixture of both regret and pride swirled together in the depths of your skull, making you wonder whether your actions were worth the consequences.

You blinked as you stared at the ceiling above.

There was no point in pondering about it. The insults that rolled off your tongue had fundamentally altered the relationship between you and your father, making you question whether it’d ever be the same.

Your tired eyes fixated on the wooden front door, it’s white hue practically blinding you. You wondered if that man would ever step foot in here again.

Ravaged by your emotions, you allowed fatigue to take control as you shut your eyes, resting your head against the wall. Your bloodied hands ceased moving as you rested them on your lap, your chest heaving slowly as your fatigue worsened.

Your mind went black as you eagerly awaited to succumb to your unconscious, wanting nothing more than for sleep to pull you out of your misery.

The sensation of needles pressing against your cranium made your fingertips tremble, your face contorting into unease. Your worn-out senses detected an anomaly.

Something was wrong.

Your eyes fluttered open as you lifted your head, gawking at the glass window that led to the backyard. Narrowed eyes fixated on an eerie noise, gasping at the recognition.

The sound of footsteps.

Someone was coming.

The slightest bit of fatigue ebbed away as you sat up, raising your eyebrows in apprehension. Your vandalized senses failed to recognise the approaching deity, making you wonder who the hell could be visiting you at this hour.

Was it a burglar? A robber? A thief? You gulped, your panicked mind immediately assuming the worst case scenario. After all, you were in no condition to protect yourself from harm’s way.

Your breathing quickened as the sound of footsteps grew closer, your ears picking up on the faint sound of feet hitting gravel. It wouldn’t be long until the unwanted guest would reach your window.

Your heart began to race as you begged for your knees to lift you up, alas doing nothing to fulfill your request.

The footsteps stopped. The entity had reached your window.

Someone was outside.

Exhaustion evaporated from your body, the rising fear making your muscles tense up. Your fingertips trembled in paranoia, your sore throat forbidding you from speaking as your heartbeat throbbed in your temples.

A pair of knuckles knocked on the window, the rhythm hauntingly slow.

Your teeth began to clatter, enveloped by blue lips. Your body felt frozen in terror as wide-opened eyes stared daggers at the layer of glass that separated you and the uninvited visitor.

Fingers as dark as the night sky traced the rim of the window as it creaked open, making the hinges weep.

Your eyes followed the tip of their nails to the curl of their wrist, revealing blue, elaborated patterns. You gasped in awe at the familiar sight, immediately recognising who these hands belonged to.


You blurted out, your tired voice barely above a whisper. You sighed in relief as you rested your head against the wall again, the realization lifting a weight from your shoulders.

Your blurry vision focused on Akaza’s silhouette as his muscular legs rested on the sill of the window, his knees apart. He sat still for a second before eventually dropping down, fully entering your house as his bare feet kissed the ground.

The moment your eyes locked with his, Akaza’s jaw dropped. Astonishment painted his exterior as his golden eyes followed the trail of blood on the carpet, leading to your pitiful state pressed against the wall. The kanji in his eyes almost seemed to flicker as he scanned the bloodstains on your clothing before eventually reaching your mangled eye, making his breath hitch in disbelief.

Unlike the upper rank three, your face remained stoic and apathetic as you eyed him down, the aftermath of your panic further draining the strength from your body.

“What are you doing here?”

Your voice was so pathetically soft, so helplessly weak. Despite the non-threatening whisper that left your throat, Akaza’s forehead hit the carpet as he immediately folded his body beneath him in a deep, loyal bow.

“(__).” His voice spoke, verbalizing your sacred name. “I was patrolling the area when I sensed your presence. The scent of blood ushered me to…investigate the source.” He paused a little before finishing his sentence, golden eyes focused on the fuzzy carpet.


The feeble wail you emitted made him slowly lift his head in response, amber eyes trying to decipher what on earth could have led to this.

“Miss (__)…” Akaza spoke up, attentive to keep his voice down to match the volume of yours.

His eyebrows knitted in concern as a pained expression painted his features, like the agony of your own had managed to seep into his bones. “Are you alright?”

You didn’t reply, moisturizing your eyeball as you blinked.

Your silence spoke volumes.

“Is there anything I can do for you?” His question sounded more like a plea than a proposal, his yearning to be of service to you shining through his words. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

You stayed silent again as your half-lidded eyes blinked, this time answering him.


Although one single syllable had been muttered, this demand of yours felt like a slap to his face.

It wasn’t like it was personal. Now that you were all worn-out and bloody, driven to the brink of exhaustion, you preferred the comfort of cherished solitude. There was nothing worse to you than a wounded pride, caused by your subordinates witnessing their royal in such a pitiful state. It was embarrassing.

Akaza’s face contorted into both hesitation and determination as he disobeyed your commands, moving to stand up on his feet. He slowly approached before he kneeled down before you, placing a tender hand on both your back and underneath your knees.

Before you could register his plans, you were lifted into muscular arms. He carried you like a bride, adjusting his hold to ensure your utmost comfort.

If the last remnants of energy hadn’t been drained from your body, you’d scold Akaza to hell and back. Not only had he entered your house without your permission, he had the nerve to defy your orders.

You were too tired to think, let alone do anything. Your arms swung limply beside your body as Akaza walked up the stairs, each step creaking when he did. Although you wondered where he was taking you, -especially how he even knew the layout of your house- your wary mind was too tired to ask.

You closed your eyes for a second, your chest moving up and down to match the rhythm of your slowed breathing.

If you wouldn’t be in the state you were in, would you have scolded him for his actions? Would you have yelled at him for entering, demanding him to leave?

You mentally sighed, knowing your twisted psychology better than anyone.

No. You would not.

It was pathetic. So pitiful and weak. But your desire for someone to care,for someone to look out for you tugged your heartstrings, fuelling these foolish decisions.

You were happy Akaza cared. You’d never get mad at him for that.

Nakime must have sensed his location, noticing he was nearby. You connected the dots, realizing why the biwa demon deliberately hadn’t sent you back yet. Despite the fatigue, your lips curled into a faint smile. How thoughtful.

Enveloped by the darkness of the corridor, Akaza caught a faint glimpse of your weak smile in the corner of his eye, making his undead heart do something funny. He directed his gaze to your bedroom door, carefully opening it with his foot before entering the space, your body still held firmly in his arms.

With as much care as the demon could possibly muster, he gently planted your fragile body on your queen-sized bed, unwrapping his arms from your frame as he backed up. Your back rested against plush, satin pillows, putting the least amount of strain on your body as humanly possible. The mere snap of his fingertips lit the candles in your room, the gleam of the fire casting an eerie warmth upon the space.

“Stay here.” The demon ushered before he vanished out of sight. You merely blinked in response. As if you were in any condition to do otherwise.

The next thing you know, Akaza appeared before you again with a bunch of items clutched in his hands, dropping them on your bed. You didn’t bother looking down at what he had scattered, fighting battles to merely keep your eyes open.

Your mattress sank as Akaza gently sat down on the soft blanket of your bed, slowly but surely making his way over to you. When one foot separated the two of you, he shot you a puzzled look.

“Can I…come closer?”

His odd request made your head tilt a little. “Sure.” You managed to blurt out.

At the sound of your approval, Akaza scooted closer to you until your knees touched. Your blurry vision finally caught a glimpse of what Akaza held onto as he slowly raised his hands to your face. A moist, lukewarm washcloth gently dabbed against your cheeks, rinsing off the dried blood that stained your porcelain skin. He pressed the flannel to your face with utmost precision, like the faintest bit of pressure would shatter the pale ceramic. He narrowed his eyes in deep concentration as he gently cupped the side of your face with his hand, giving him a better angle to work with.

“Is this alright?” The demon mumbled in deep concentration.

“Hmm.” You murmured, keeping your head as still as possible, much to Akaza’s convenience.

It was so typical of him, that constant longing for your approval. He requested your consent for anything, varying from touching your delicate skin to breathing in the same air as you.

He was always so considerate. Despite your humiliation regarding your current state, you were relieved that it was Akaza who had come to your aid. There was something so tender, so humane about the heart wrenching consideration the undead demon treated you with.

Contrarily to Douma, Akaza respected you like no other. He’d always bow to you ‘til his forehead reached the floor, attentive to only speak unless spoken to. His manner of speech was polite, refined, and sophisticated, his devotion to you laced in his words.

You closed your eyes in contentment as you leaned into his hand, too exhausted to lift your own head up. The sensation of the cool wetness hitting your skin worsened your drowsiness, making your lips part as you savored his serene mannerisms.

Who would have thought that the hands of a coldblooded killer could be so gentle and soothing? His blue fingers stained by the blood of a thousand men traced your skin like it was one touch away from shattering, painting your cheeks the slightest bit of red.

You couldn’t stop the silent, pathetic wail you let out the moment Akaza let go of your face. You opened your eyes in disappointment, feeling the wetness of the washcloth eradicating the dried blood that stained your arms instead.

None of you said a word to each other. After minutes had passed, you realized the oddity of his silence.

Your blurry vision focused on Akaza’s features, eager to take a dive into his mind to see what he was thinking of. His curiosity surely must’ve been gnawing at him, right?

Nonetheless, the demon refrained from asking questions. Knowing better than to pry into your personal life, the upper three merely focused on stichting this broken doll back together.

“How do you know where I live?” You asked, your own curiosity getting the best of you. “Where we live.”

“Rest assured, me and Kokushibou are the only ones granted with this knowledge.” The demon replied. You silently hummed, unphased by Muzan’s favoritism shining through.

“We take turns patrolling the area sometimes when you’re asleep. Just to make sure nothing happens to you.” He added, deeply focused on cleaning your skin.

Your lips parted in awe. No one had ever told you that before. Touched by their secret safeguarding, you let out a quiet hum.

After having rinsed the blood off your arms, he reached his hands out, awkwardly letting them hover in the air. Understanding what the gesture meant, you mirrored his movements, his predatory claws enveloping yours in a tender hold.

In the same gentle rhythm, the moisture began erasing the gore that spoiled the beauty of your hands. As you stared ahead at the washcloth absorbing more of the red goo, you noticed Akaza lifting his head to glance at you.

Before you had the chance to face him, he returned his gaze to his duty again, avoiding your gaze. You blinked in surprise, wondering what Akaza was truly thinking of right now.

“There.” He professed as he slightly backed away from you, your polished skin now free of the gore that tainted it. “Does that feel better?”.

The faintest of smiles tugged the corners of your lips upwards as you weakly nodded, hoping the discrete gesture conveyed your gratitude.

“I’m glad.” He added, returning you the same gentle smile.

His fulfillment was short-lived as his golden eyes focused on your mangled eye, the smile melting off his features. His gaze narrowed in suspicion, fixating on the open wound.

“Can I…see…?” The demon bashfully asked, yet again craving your approval for him to examine your wound.

A soft hum eased his worries, his face inching closer to yours as he inspected the gravity of your injury.

“It’s bad…” He exclaimed through gritted teeth, as if the mere act of witnessing the slash physically pained him.

“It’s so much deeper than before.” He added, gingerly cupping the side of your face again. He titled your head with utmost care, giving him a better look at the severity of your trauma. “It’s impressive how you stopped the bleeding this quick.”

“I didn’t even do anything…” You helplessly sighed, trying your hardest not to stare at the demon who tended to you.

Akaza looked so pretty in this lightning. The warmth of the candlelight complimented his facial tattoos splendidly, the golden glow it emitted further highlighting the kanji etched into his eyes. His long, ruby eyelashes fluttered as the blue sclera of his eyes shed a captivating glow, resembling a canvas of fractured crystal, a painting of stained glass.

You mentally scolded yourself for the thoughts that popped up in your brain, the close proximity between you two adding fuel to the fire. His face hovered inches away from yours, feeling his breath tickle your skin. You looked away from his piercing gaze as you felt blood rush into the apples of your cheeks.

Much to your relief, he backed away as he partly turned around, grabbing some items he had dropped on your bed before. You raised an eyebrow at a small bottle he was holding, screwing the cap loose as he absorbed it within a small, transparent pipette. Given your father’s fondness of chemistry, you figured you had some of them scattered around the house.

You raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“It’s hydrogen peroxide.” Akaza explained. “I’m not sure whether it’s necessary given your regenerative abilities, but….”

His watchful eyes peered into the depths of your soul, a slight hint of suspicion shining among the golden hue. “Given the nature of your wound, I think it’s best to avoid taking any risks.”

He turned to you, giving you a serious look. “This’ll sterilize your wound, preventing it from getting infected.”

Your eyes widened in horror as the realization dawned on you. Akaza was planning on pouring acid into your eye. At least, that’s what it’d feel like.

“No.” You blurted out as you physically recoiled, pressing your back against the pillows to create as much distance between you and the pipette as possible. After Muzan’s wrath, you weren’t sure how much pain you could take.

“(__)…” Akaza mused your name. His face contorted into anguish, telling you he was having difficulties with this idea as well. “I know it’s hard, but you have to do it.”

“No.” You wailed again, eyes trembling in fear. The panic surging through your veins gave you the slightest bit of energy again as you pressed your spine into the pillows. “Get away from me.”

“(__).” The demon called out again as he scooted closer to you, making you shriek. “It’ll be over before you know it, I’m sure. Let’s just get it over with.”

You tried your hardest to calm your racing heart, taking deep breaths to steady your nerves.

Akaza gently lifted your chin with his fingertips, raising your head a little to give him the perfect angle. He dangled the pipette above your eye, caging it firmly in his hold.

“On the count of three, I’m going to squeeze this in your eye, okay? Everything is going to be okay.” The demon reassured.

You gulped in terror, wanting nothing more than to close your eyes and flee from this madness. You dug your nails into the flesh of your thighs, fighting to keep your eyes open to let the liquid clean your wound.


You quivered.


Akaza exclaimed as he squeezed all moisture from the pipette, letting the liquid envelop the mutilated tissue of your eye. You yelled in excruciating pain, feeling like boiling acid was dissolving the disfigured flesh. The medicine felt like thousands of maggots devoured the open slash, eating away the relentless gore as a cry of fear left your lips.

Due to the physical strain Muzan’s wrath had inflicted onto your vocal cords, your shriek quickly shifted into nothing but a pitiful, miserable wail.

“f*ck, f*ck.” Your quivering voice swore as you instinctively clutched your eye with your hands again, praying that the futile gesture would somehow take some pain away. “It burns. It burns.”

“I know…” Akaza cooed as he gently rested his hand on your back, flashing you a pained expression. “I’m so sorry…”

He was too early to hit you with it. If anything, it was clever of him not to count to three. His plan to hit you with a surprise, striking you when you least expected it, hopefully made things the tiniest bit easier for you.

After your frantic breathing eventually died down, your body shuddered at the extent of your pain. Akaza, torn apart by witnessing your agony, gently pushed your frame against his solid chest. Muscular arms caged you as he soothingly ran his hand through your hair, petting your back with the other. He hushed as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, gingerly rocking your smaller body back and forth.

You had no more tears left to cry. All the moisture had been drained from your body as your limbs found the last remnants of strength to tangle themselves around his waist with. You closed your eyes as you pressed your face against him, sharing your sorrow with the upper rank three.

“There there.” He cooed. “You did so well. I’m proud of you.”

Your breathing hitched, savoring his words of praise.

“(__)….” He mumbled as you pulled away to face him. “What happened to you?”

At long last, the elephant in the room had been addressed. You gulped, realising that you probably owed Akaza some kind of explanation. After everything he did for you, you figured he deserved it.

You sighed, backing away from him a little.

“We…had an argument.” You confessed, awkwardly wiggling in your spot. “Muzan and I. Let’s just say that we…had some clashing ideologies.”

You swallowed, gathering the right words to say. “I…said some things I shouldn’t have. To be honest, I’m surprised I’m still alive…” You added, chuckling darkly at the gloomy situation.

“I see.” Akaza concluded, his eyebrows knitted.

Of course it had been Muzan. Who else but him could have done this?

Having fallen victim to Muzan’s rage many times, Akaza knew like no other how agonising his torment was. Still, it appalled him how much pain the progenitor of demons willingly inflicted on his own daughter, his creation of flesh and blood. Compared to your mangled eye, slashed beyond recognition, the wounds previously inflicted on him felt like child’s play.

“I am so sorry.” Akaza apologised. “You don’t deserve this.”

“It’s alright.” You rebutted, your voice soft. “I really had it coming.”

Akaza groaned, feeling anger bubble up in his guts. The thought that you considered this torture to be a fitting punishment for a child your age managed to shatter the demon’s heart, defying his sense of judgement.

Deciding against pushing further, Akaza reached his hands out to gather some pieces of gauze and bandages that laid scattered on the bed.

“I’ll patch it up for you.” He stated as he began bandaging your wound. Despite his limited medical expertise, he seemed to be quite confident in his abilities.

You nodded, barely moving your head as you allowed the demon to tend to you.

After some quiet minutes had gone by, Akaza backed up a little further to witness his creation. The demon had patched your wound up, the colourless bandages resembling an eyepatch. As you looked into the mirror closest to you, you found yourself surprised at how neatly Akaza had treated it.

“…Wow…” You expressed, trying to convey your gratitude for his limitless care and consideration. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything.” He whispered, smiling tenderly at you.

Your mind was scrambled, too hazy to come up with anything sensible to say. You merely hoped the tender silence managed to emit your appreciation.

You straightened your back a little, readjusting your sitting position.


He perked up in surprise at the syllables that left your mouth. Had his ears deceived him? Did you just give him a nickname?

“Can I ask you something?”

You asked, slight traces of insecurity embedded in your voice.


You turned your head around to face him, your non-veiled eye glancing at his features as you gave him a serious look.

“Why is it that we kill?”

Your blurry vision caught a glimpse of the way his eyes widened, lips parting in disbelief at your sudden question.

“It’s to get stronger, isn’t it? But what’s the purpose of doing that?” You asked, shifting your stare to the dolls decorating your shelves. “What are we fighting for?”

The both of you sat in a deafening silence as you awaited his response. He had opened his mouth to speak, only for words to fail him.

You observed the way in which the hues of his eyes scanned the surroundings of your bedroom, as if your countless dolls and toys would help verbalise his answer. Your brows knitted, eager to know what hid beneath that layer of silence.

Why wasn’t he answering you? Could it be that he did not know the answer himself? The infinite rage surging through his body, what was it all for?

“You should go to bed.”

The demon stated, glancing at you. Discomfort painted his features, his smile shifting into something artificial.

Realising that he wasn’t going to answer you, you bit back a sigh. Much to Akaza’s relief, you were too tired to keep pushing.

You nodded in approval, sinking into your mattress as Akaza removed some of the pillows behind your back, gently plopping them onto the floor to ensure your utmost comfort.

An uncomfortable silence enveloped the both of you as he slightly hovered above your horizontal body.

His eyes trembled, his movements uneasy and stiff. Did you strike a sensitive cord?


You blinked at him in curiosity, preparing yourself for unspoken confessions.


The demon narrowed his eyes, attentively scanning your features as he parted his lips.

“…Don’t forget to wash the blood off your clothes tomorrow morning. The stains aren’t big, so I’m sure it’ll be okay.”

Hiding your disappointment, you nodded, fatigue begging you to shut your eyes.

You weakly reached your hand out to him, enveloping his in a final embrace. “Thank you, Akaza. For everything.”

Warmth seeped into his bones as his lips curled into a gentle, sincere smile, his ghostly fingertips tracing your porcelain cheek in a parting gesture.

“Goodnight (__).”


With the snap of his fingers, darkness enveloped you as the sweet release of Nakime’s strum graced your ears.



You hissed, hands occupied with scrubbing a combination of hot water and dish soap onto the stains of your dress. You had slipped out of the garment as it laid spread onto the bathroom floor of the estate, trying desperately to eliminate the red that ruined your attire.

The moonlight shining through the window was the only beacon of light that illuminated the abandoned bathroom, making you squint your eyes to combat the darkness. During the night’s darkest hours, the chirping of the cicada outside was the only thing to keep you company.

You sighed in annoyance as you caged a wet sponge in your firm hold, squirting more soap onto its rough side before rubbing it onto the fabric again.

Despite the dish soap doing wonders, every second passing felt like an eternity. You hadn’t gotten an ounce of sleep yet since your encounter with Muzan, exhaustion complicating the mere act of keeping your eyes open.

You sighed, clutching your spinning head as you traced the rims of your bandages with your fingertips. Akaza had patched your eye up splendidly, making you wonder if an actual nurse would have done better.

You groaned, wanting nothing more than to plunge into the heaven called your bed.

You mumbled something inaudible as you hovered above your dress again, eager to battle the final stain.

With the strain the past events had put onto your senses, you failed to notice the soft pitter-patter of footsteps approaching.

A young, wakeful girl hopped quietly to the room you were in, peeking her curious eye at your distressed form.

Long, stiletto nails enveloped the rim of the opened shoji doors, the red hue matching the stains on your dress.


Your heart stopped as your scrubbing immediately came to a halt. Not only where you baffled by the sheer way in which you failed to detect one’s presence, the realisation that you had no excuse for your current situation made your blood run cold.

Your body grew frozen as the young girl carefully stepped closer, humming softly in confusion.

You stiffly turned your head around to face the uninvited guest, gasping softly at the familiar face.

“Nezuko!” You wailed, clutching your heart that threatened to beat out of your chest just now.

“Oh my god! Don’t scare me like that…” You mused as you returned to your sitting position, folding your knees beneath your body.

Out of all people, you thanked a higher being that it was Nezuko who had found you. It wasn’t that you infantilised her, it’s just that her child-like brain was probably less prone to suspicion, hopefully keeping your fried mind from answering prying questions.

Even if she were onto something, she lacked the verbal skills to tell anyone.

“Hmmm?” The young girl hummed, wobbling closer. She sat down beside you, candy eyes tracing the wet trail of the sponge all the way to your dress sprawled out on the bathroom floor.

Her eyebrows furrowed into concern as she noticed the faded bloodstains on the fabric, her lips curling into a frown before she shot you a questioning look.

“Oh yeah….about that….” You stammered, awkwardly scratching your neck. “I was uhh…on my period! This type of stuff happens, you know?” You explained, spouting the first lie you could think of.

Nezuko gave you a puzzling look, tilting her head in confusion.

“…Don’t you know what that is, Nezuko?” You whispered, blinking repeatedly.

The girl shook her head.

“Ah-!” You exclaimed, a wave of discomfort hitting you at the sudden topic. “Well uh…that’s a story for another time, don’t you think?” You sheepishly offered, hoping to change the subject.

Much to your relief, the girl nodded in response.

You sighed, staring mindlessly at the wall in front of you before picking up the sponge again. Right when you were about to continue your scrubbing, a warm hand rested itself on your shoulder.


“Huh?” You hummed in confusion. The young girl’s face contorted into concern as she pointed her sharp nail to your bandaged eye.

What happened?

You sighed. It was only a matter of time before someone brought it up.

“I…” You stammered, unsure how to explain the source of your wound. “It’s a little complicated…I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow morning, okay?”

You shot the girl a tender smile as you tenderly enveloped her smaller hands with your own. “It’s nothing to worry about. I promise.” You reassured, giving her soft hands a comforting squeeze.

Nezuko fluttered her delicate eyelashes, her face eventually mirroring the warmth of your smile.

Given the recent events, you had completely forgotten how Nezuko had fallen asleep in your bed again. When she woke up in the middle of the night, she was startled to find an empty bed beside her.

The young girl’s face held worry as she tiptoed around the estate, wondering where you had gone off to. Driven by her desire to protect you, she wouldn’t rest until she found you.

It was odd, to say the least. Nezuko had been searching every nook and cranny of the estate for the past two hours, only to find you absolutely nowhere. Had you vanished into thin air? She considered waking her brother, but the sensation of guilt kept her from entering his room. After all, her stubborn older brother always worked too hard. He needed his sleep more than anything.

At long last, Nezuko was overjoyed with relief to have found you again. Although she was confused by your disappearance, the fact that you were present and safe was the only thing that mattered.

“There there.” You whispered as you got up, wiping some imaginary dust off your thighs. You stretched your hand out to Nezuko, gently helping her up when she took it.

“Let’s get you to bed, shall we?” You cooed, enveloping her hand with yours as you rubbed soothing circles on her pale skin. “Little Nezuko is a sleepy girl, isn’t she?”

The girl giggled at your pampering voice, making you smile in relief. She was so adorable, her childlike innocence melting your heart.

You flung your dress over your shoulder as you threw the sponge into the sink, completely fed up with the scrubbing you’ve been doing.

“Let’s go now.” You muttered as the two of you walked up to your shared bedroom, giggling at the yawn Nezuko let out. You glanced in awe at the tiny fangs that decorated her teeth, her pearly whites shimmering in the dark.

The two of you walked down the dark corridor, each step creaking beneath your feet. Having reached the shared bedroom of Tanjirou, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, you halted in front of the entrance.

“They left the door open….” You mumbled. You stepped towards the folding screen to close it, pausing in your movements as you glanced into their room.

The three slayers had all dozed off, getting some well-deserved shuteye after their relentless training. You giggled at the way Inosuke’s limbs seemed to be completely entangled in his sheets, fighting imaginary battles. You snickered, wondering how his roaring snores hadn’t caused an earthquake yet.

Zenitsu clutched his pillow firmly in his arms, his snores making a wheezing sound while a huge bubble of drool stuck to his lips. You chuckled, turning your head to glance at the peaceful look on Tanjirou’s features, wondering how he slept through all the noise. The young boy laid on his side, the quietness of his slumber enriching the serenity of his appearance.

“Nezuko, look.” You smiled as the young girl giggled at their silly sleeping positions. “Isn’t that funny?”

A twinkle painted your eyes as your hands grabbed ahold of the shoji door, whispering your parting call.

“Goodnight everyone. Please have the sweetest of dreams.”

At long last, warmth bloomed into your chest as you shut the shoji doors with utmost care, grasping Nezuko’s hand again as the two of you continued your midnight stroll.

Unbeknownst to you, the muffled sound of voices had awoken a peculiar slayer from his slumber. A pair of amber eyes fluttered open, narrowing in suspicion at the obscure outline of your silhouette.

You smiled at the little girl as you walked down the corridor, completely unaware of the piercing gaze that followed your every single move.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.