The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

1 him 10 WIRES Run Into a Poolroom Will Make- Trouble -For Lots of People If Mr. Weatherford's Bill Is Passed. Effort To Repeal Tollgate. Raiders' Act. Republicans in the Sen, ate Objected To the Criticism of the Tobacco Trust in a Kentucky House Joint Resolution.

10 THE Louise 1 of Owensboro: 1 Chicago Badie Masten, of New Radio Brown, of itose Crittenden, Mine Pauline Hardin Towles Hattie Scott, Emma Scott, of tort. HENDRICKS WILL BUN. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE Frankfort, January John K. Hendrick, -Congressman from the First District, and now a prominent lawyer of that section, dropped into Frankfort night to confer with his friends to TACO for Governor. He says he has nitely determined to run.

MORE MONEY Is Demanded By Ohio Miners For Their Labor, Columbus, Ohio, January The proof the Ohio Division of the United Workers of Americs to-day adopted resolution censuring the men who had false charges of embezzlement the officers. special committee found the charges to be untrue. The report of the Scale Committee obved, to demands after are: a An prolonged increase of discuscenta per ton in the price of mining and proportionate advance for day labor; a untform scale for day labor throughout the entire state; an absolute run of mine system; differential of 10 centa per ton between pick machine mining. was also decided levy a tax of one half of 1 por gent monthly earnings of all membera union for defense purposes. understood this tax is principally for the maintenance of the fight against the D.

E. mines, In Belmont County. The convention will end LOST FRANCHISE Because Only $250 of $1,000,000 Capital Was Paid In. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRES. New York, January the trial of suft before Judge Dixon in the Supreme Court at Paterson to-day to annul a franchine granted by the Board of Aldermen of that city to the North Jersey Gas Company on February 4, 1901, It was brought out that the corporation, although repredented to have a capital of $1,000,000, undertook to do business On 8 paid up capital of only $250.

Judge guilty Dixon heid that such a corporation was of usurping its franchise, and was then declared void. The company should have had at least $200,000 before it could legally do business in New Jersey under the terma of certificate of incorporation. CHECKS Were Cashed By Young As He Needed the Money For Personal Expenses. Forty and a Half Thousand Dollars Was Taken A Bank Cannot Explain Charges, and Will Have Te Make an Investigation. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIBER.

Louisville, January The expert accountanta, who were appointed shortly after the suicide of former City Treasurer Stuart R. Young, to-night finished their work of examining the books of the Treasurer's office and submitted report to Mayor Granger, showing a total deficit of $40,520 15. Of this sum $39,112 68 belonged to the Treasurer's account proper, $1,075 30 to the firemen's pension fund, of which Mr. called the general trustee fund, consisting Young was trustee, and $332 2 17 to what 1s of cash bonds which contractors for city work had to deposit with the Treasurer. During Mr.

Young's term he received in all $10,332,000 81 in moneys from all sources, and the disbursem*nts amounted in all to $10,209,950 07. CAUSED A SURPRISE. In the light of these figures the amount stolen from the Treasury does not appear to be very high and the report of the experts created as a matter of fact some surprise, as It had generally been believed that the deficit would reach double the amount indicated in the report. The method pursued by Young was simple enough. When a voucher for a small amount was then presented he would pay it In cash and would Issue a check for a sum $500 or $1,000 or more higher, which he himself cashed, pocketing the difference.

The banks acting as depositories for the city could not suspect anything wrong, as the check would show in proper form, the number of the voucher and the fund against which it was drawn. In one case Young paid $5 to R. B. Park Co. and then used the voucher to issue and cash a check for $3,990 80.

In several other cases he simply drew checks in his own favor for sums ranging from $250 to $3,000. BOND SUIT POSSIBLE. His bond, which was furnished by the Maryland Deposit Company, is good, and that company have to reimburse the city, but it is possible that the lability of the bondsman will be the subject of a lawsuit, as representatives who of assisted the Maryland Deposit Company, the examination of the books, are inciined to take the stand that the officials whose duty It was to act did not comply with the letter of the law In exercising a proper control of the Treasurer's office. One part of the report of the experts is peculiar and Of the two banks elected National Bank depositories charged of the etty the Union in the time from June, 1898, to June, 1900, the Treasurer with $7,506 50, for which neither checks nor stubs nor any other evidence that they were ordered to be paid could be found. As a consequence the bank will now have to make an that investigation of Its own.

It is known the Institution had to dismiss a trusted employe about June, 1900. INDIANA SUPREME OOURT. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER. Indianapolis, January Supreme Court to-day handed down the following decialops: 19.013. 8.

and 0. 8. W. Rallway Company Clement V. Reed.

Pike C. C. Reversed, Newton Carroll C. Kent at al. George Sigler C.

Affirmed. Dowling, Plate Glass Co. U. Moore Petition Pittsburg for transfer denfed on Co. of Bennett.

374 Kinsey et James Boyce, Marion C. C. Petition for transfer denied on authority of Craig Bennett. The Appellate Court to day banded down following Golding Shelby C. J.

Hibert Masters. Delaware C. C. Black, J. George Linge State, Dearborn C.

or Annie St. Clair et Henry et al. Delaware C. C. Appellees motion leave to granted.

Solomon Miller. C. C. argument February Alpheus W. Moon Plate 8 Application to 8.

C. a Marion C. Ch Application for LOUISVILLE MAN HONORED. Louisville, January Chris- train EX. of Denmark has created Charles Earl Currie, of Louisville, a Knight of Donnebors in token of appreciation of Mr.

Curefforts, to promote trade relations beDenmark and the United States. Mr, Curele a sent in 1806 by the Loutsville Board of Trade on a tour of Northern Europe in the Interest. of closer trade relations. He had been for two years Danish Consul BIG COAL LAND DEAL Pittsburg, January A party of Pittsburg concluded negotiations for 11,000 acres of coal land in the first pool district, The price is said to have been to have $8,000,000 daily Eight capacity mines are to be opened. of 12,000 tons, and 1.000 houses tor the workmen are to be bullt.

The deld is miles south of Pittsburg. and extends from Fairhaven to point near Library. STRUCK GAS AGAIN. SPECIAL DIRPAZCH TO THE Monticello, January The Penn Lubricating Company struck gas on the Miller farm, near Cooper, at 1,000 feet, and the flow cannot be controlled with the tools at by hand. this This company.

la the second gas well struck Bomerset Well No. struck chree weeks ago, la making 150 a day. SATURDAY, TOWNS ACROSS COVINGTON. day at trouble Inent funeral take place Sun morning LUDLOW. complaints been Chief of Police Callahan to a firm or men in the business articles, have been from to three short from each batch have to clean.

Chief I renovate the Arm it he finds the charges The and Crescent Mutual Aid sociation met the yesterday RE Goodenough: Vice Geo. Geo. Doorke Jerry Cremine; Andrew John Morlidge, Jordan, John Wahl and Geo. meeting been called for Sunday noon at 2 o'clock at the Southern Reading Rooms. The Mutual Aid Association the St.

James Church gave a euchre at odd Fellows Hail last night for the benefit of the new church. The affair was a success. COURT Of Appeals Ties Itself In a Knot on the Pratt-Breekinridge Opinion By Decision in other Case. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER. Frankfort, January Kentucky Court of Appeals, according to the lawyers, has reversed itseif again and tied Itself into a khot as it were on the PrattBreckinridge -General opinion.

In an opinion delivered Wednesday In the case of Tousey vs. Stites, the Court holds that county election boards have Judicial functions to perform. As the county boards are appointed by the State Board, then how can county board's act be legal and the State Board's illegal? ts the question asked by the lawyers. Attorneys Hazelrigg, Pryor and Chenauit have fled a supplemental petition for rehearing in the Pratt-BreckInridge case, citing the Tousey-Stites opinion, and in which they ask the Court these pertinent questions: judicial power be assumed to be in county contest boards and not in state contest boards?" "Mr. Mackoy, in open Court, has recently fled an important election contest case from the Covington district.

Wil ithe Court case on Its merits, and thus again recognize the right of the contest board to exercise judicial power, as the Court has done for dozen years in a dozen or more cases, and as it did on the 15th of January, 1902, or will the Court dismiss for want of jurisdiction and treat the case differently from the multitude of other cases just like It DOVENER'S SEAT In Congress Is Now Sought By Two Other Men. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER. Wheeling, W. January Distirot Attorney E. M.

Showalter to-night announced his candidaey for the Republican Congressional nomination in the First, or Congressman Dovener's, District. It la understood the premature announcement of State Senator Harmer's candidacy for Dovener's seat hastened this announcement from Mr. Showalter, and that but for that development he would have delayed his formal announcement until the early spring. Showalter said 'to "I do not enter the race to obtain an introduction, nor to assist some other candidate, but with the and expectation of securing the nomgles, and all honorable and my dignified means ination, a and to this end time and enerat my command will be vigorously employed." FOREMAN, Attacked By Strikers, Killed One, Wounding Another. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER.

Nicholasville, January 7. Marion Stratton, general toreman of the J. D. Hughes Lumber Company at High Bridge, this afternoon shot and instantly killed Lee Parker and wounded George Prewitt. The men, with Doo Goreham and John Prewitt, met Stratton near the river.

They were intoxicated and attacked throwing him over the tramway. While prostrate he drew his and fired. The men fled, and Stratton returned to High Bridge and gave himself up. He came here fast summer and the men took dislike to him, and, when the company refused to remove him, went on a strike. Later most of the workmen returned, but the four named were not given their old positions, and were correspondingly vicious when they met him to-day.

PACKAGE Exploded and Badly Injured Knoxville Stamp Clerk. Knoxville, January W. Martin, a postoffice clerk, was injured this morning by the explosion of a package of powder, nitro-glycerin or an infernal machine. He stamping letters and packages, and a package addressed to a hardware house here exploded when struck with the stamp. Examination revealed on it the concern.

The New interior York of the parcel showed powder smokeless tin box, containing the explosive, had been carefully packed. The dealers disolaim having ordered such a package or having been notified of its shipment. CHRISTMAS He Was Pardoned and Now Ar. rested For Forgery. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO TEA ENQUIRER.

Nashville, January B. Wallace, sent up from Hamilton County to serve three years for forgery, and who was pardoned by Governor McMillin on Christmas Eve, was arrested to-night for trying to pass a forged check. He is supposed be the same man who has been floating checks bearing the names of two Nashville Arms None of the checks were for large amounta Wallace was formerly travelman from Alabama. FT. THOMAS, KY.

Mall Carrier Crupper, while driving mail cart along Thomas avenue day, wha struck by one of Guy's con The badly Crupper with a few bruises. Corporal Dommett returned from Knoxville, without Thomas Hicks One Hundred and Fourth Company, Coast Artillery, he having caped trom the guard before the arrival of the Corporal. of C. Mom H. ley and Lieutenant Clarence W.

Furoy, will convene at 10 05 ms to day to the sonal effects of the late Thomas ty-Afth United States Volunteer unclaimed since May 81, 1901. Sergeant Jacob Schneider, Compan Second been returned of private at his own request. First Lieutenant Walter O. Bowman, ond Infantry, granted a seven of absence yesterday, and First Lieutenant Courtland Nikon granted a five days leave of HER DEATH- HASTENED. SPECIAL DISPATCH January Harry Cooper died here last night of consumption.

death having been bastened by the charge inst her now in Jail in Marietta. Ohio, awaiting trial for the muredr of a saloon keeper there Mrs. Cooper only a short time ago returned Cincinnati, where she was under SEARCHED IN VAIN. January 17- Mr. L.

Denton, Ryan from this city to in search of the daughter Ryan, on Bunday with John his home and stated JANUARY 18, 1902. THE RIVER. SHOW GOSSIP. COOK MEDICAL throu throu from I mar the ek in A RI. na AR 904 GEN chid 1.

1. 1. 1. 1 LIZZI DAN LADY lADY quiri 1.A D1 LADY 163 LADY Indri LADY LADY LADY 1.A DY you TRIX WILE fu Ha Ken shat men erat TEL 315 man chin lord DIE DA will 10 bool 1ool out boo in ME to send co Sq1 RO GALLING Queries of Made Jim Howard Twist in His Chair And His Left Eye Twitch With Excitement. Mr.

Stubblefeld Was Scored By Some Witnesses. The Trial of the Notorious Mountaineer Develops Very Interesting Features. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRER. Frankfort, January How. ard is a very cool man apparently under all circ*mstances and it is said the only way he ever shows that he mad or rattled la by the peculiar twitching of his left eye.

Under galling cross-examination Colonel Campbell this morning, Howard's left and eye turned twitched in his viciously chair and several he twisted something he did pot do on his Arst trial. "Have you not at times had in your posseasion and have you not worn false mustache? asked Colonel Campbell. have not," he replled. "In the tall, before Governor Goebel shot, did you not show to James Hurst, William Jones. Sam Herlord and others on White Walker's corner, In Manchester, a false did not," answered Howard.

"Did you not tell Dr. Phillips at the March term of the Clay County Court that you could prove that your train late, and that you did not arrive in Frankfort until after Goebel was shot?" BAD A TALK. "I had a talk with Dr. Phillips at that I time, but I did not say that. I told him my train was late and I did not get as far as the Statehouse till after Goebel was shot." "Did you not tell Dr.

Phillips again, one night In Manchester about the same time, that you did not get. to Frankfort until after Goebel was "I told him I did not get as far as the Statehouse." An affidavit was fled showing that How. ard, at W. 8. Taylor's instance, made an afAdavit that he (Howard) had heard numerous persons say that if Goebel died Taylor would assassinated.

Howard said he told what he had heard and that Taylor asked him to make an amdavit to his statement. He was unable to give the name of any one he had heard making the statement. Howard denied that he told Dave Chadwell and Chad Jones that shot, and was shot deadner." on He admitted, however, that he talked with Jones. He denied that he exhibited an empty cartridge to George Russell in London 'and said: "The bullet that killed Goebel came from this shell." Sidney Lovelace, John D. Feeney, James Russell, William Parsley, D.

L. Walker and Jeff Markham all testifed that Howard had no mustache in January, 1900. CONGRESSMAN'S SON. James Boreing, of London, son of Congressman Boreing, said Whart Golden told him that the man who shot Goebel WAS about the same size as Boreing and looked something like him. On cross-examination Boreing seemed to get rattled, and the prosecution required him to remain over till to-morrow in order to lay the ground for some contradictions.

Jeff Marcum testifed that the reputation of Jim Stubblefeld, the commonwealth's witness, was bad, but admitted he (Marcum) had helped to have Stubblefleld appointed Deputy Assessor under Jim Howard. Other witnesses said Stubblefeld's reputation "was nothing to brag on," but all admitted he had served as Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Assessor and had been nominated by the Republicans in the Legislature in January, 1900, L. for Doorkeeper of the House. W. Brown, of London, was disappointment to the defense.

They expeoted to prove by him that Stubbiefeld told him that he had made no reports on Jim Howard and knew nothing on Jim as to the Goebel murder, but Brown said Stubblefeld did not tell him, though he did have a conversation with him. Brown wAs the Circuit Judge before whom Howard was tried for killing George Baker, and the prosecution Brown the indictment against Howard had not been dismissed since his arrest for the Goebel murder. Brown said it had not. WANTED DOCUMENTS. The prosecution asked subpoena duces tecum against the Circult Clerk of Laurel County, where Howard was tried, to bring all the orders and steps in that case since the trial, which will show if the indiotment has been dismissed and Howard's bondsmen released.

Ex-Sheriff Bev White told of delivering the message to Howard, telling him to go to Frankfort at once and get a pardon before Taylor was ousted. He said he came on the same train with Howard; that Howard got off the train at Frankfort, and as the train moved out he saw Howard standing in the door of the Board of Trade Hotel. To-morrow White will explain why he did not arrest Howard as soon 88 the bench warrant reached his hands as Sheriff, and will be asked if he did not write to Arthur Goebel and agree to give Howard up if the $1,500 reward would be paid. His testimony promises to be spicy to-morrow on several points. Five witnesses for the prosecution from Clay County were brought inte Court under arrest by the Sherif of that county.

Twenty-odd witnesses for the defense from Clay County, who failed to answer when called yesterday, were arrested this morning. DANIELS Must Sue the Contractor if He Wants Damages. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO TEN ENQUIRER, Frankfort, January 17. The Gregory Daniela the Cincinnati and ton from Kenton Railway, Transfer and Bridge by Compan County, was of Appeals to day. Daniels hit his thumb while working on the bridge and tell into the river.

He sued For $10,000 damages, but the lower Court held he could not the above company, but should contractor employed him The this ruling Other decisions were follows: Chief Justice Gutty and RuRelle, White and O' Rear being present. Ison va. Common Letcher. Reversed Felton, Receiver, vs Anderson, Lincoln. Bland Smith, Hardin.

Meddis Dellinger, Collier Camp Ground. Nicholas. Marshall, Barber Asphalt Paving Compang, Jetterson Chancery. Modified and extended opinion delivered, of set aside and judgment below reversed Asbury Powers, Boyd. Petition rehearing Weber and Weber Petitions for Howe delivered and petition for Davidson Johnson, Motion to vance case for oral argument to 1902.

Long. dc. Long's Logan. motion appeal entered Appellants object to reply to motion. petition for by Strong South, Breathitt, Bouth enter to Bell Co.

Kentucky Glass Works Co. Appellant riven 15 days petition Vi Potter, Copies of bond by to appeal granted objected to by ant and submitted with to Bank Elkton Russel, Todd missed motion. City of Louisville Board of Park Commis cloners, Petition for modification of opinion fled by appellee and submitted. Town of Pikeville and Appellee's motion given 15 days to petition for Appellee Mitchell given 15 days time Kenton. petition Ohio.

Petition rehearing by appelles and Commonwealth. Pulaski gued by: J. Sharp tor row for appellants and submitted with leave to mile Court adjourned morning 11 o' clock. FAIR OROP. SPECIAL DISPATCH 20.

Washington, January 17. Consul-General Seeger at Rio Janeiro Informs the State Department that copious rains in many parts assured of the coffee district of have probably a from very fair 9,000,000 cottee crop next ye to NEWS FROM COVINGTON. Couples son TaB that to her 1 chat Mrs. Plummer did not know but under the impression he in nati seeking Rhein married. Lexington.

He is said to position It Lexington yesterday that home from Cincinnati without having seen her daughter, and that too, in disappearance of this couple, and Gleason and Mr. are causing something of a sensation in to have eloped and marh and Newport. The parents of Mine almost frantic over the absence of their and her continued her Mr. Ross's mother in also -nigh distracted over the absence of her boy, and if someearly thing is date not the police departments of the heard from the couple three cities may seek them. It la the general opinion that it Ross cannot and Gleason have married, but be definitely settled where the ceremony was performed or where the licenses were issued.

Board of Education. The question raised as to the validity of T. Jeff. Smith occupying a seat in the Board of Aldermen catined President Joseph Andrene, of the Board of Education, to call a special meeting of the board for last night for the purpose of the news of the meeting of Thursday, January 2. W.

this Warringion, Matt Messrs. J. F. H. Chas.

J. Nock, J. Beller and Ben Torbeck qualified and took part in the meeting of the board, and elected the following offcers: President, Joseph F. Endrea Vice President, John' B. Dillon: Clerk, Matt Heyken, and Fred Huser messenger.

According to the charter the new members could not organize until the first Monday in January, which was January 6, and therefore the acts of the last meeting were Illegal. At the meeting last night the business transacted at the former meeting was gone over and the same officers elected. The following is the estimate Salaries, of expenses for ensuing year: rent, interest on bonds, $800; interest on notes, note due April, 1902, Insurance, $560; total, pairs, $800: supplies, fuel, light, $250; printing and stationery, $150; examiners, census, $700; indigent pupils, $250; furniture for office. $175: school furniture, I permanent improvements, Incidentals, $500; total, Estimated receipts: State taxes, delinquent taxes. 84.000; tuttion, city taxes.

thirty-five-cent levy, $50.500: total. $104.100. Deduct for Mbrary, sinking fund, $300; total, $90,315. Notable Catholie Event. One of the most Interesting events in Catholic church cirales that has occurred In Covington for some time will be given at St.

Mary's Cathedral on the evening of January 81, when a sacred concert will be given in birth commemoration of the anniversary of the of Glovanni Pletro Palestrina. The on this occasion N. will J. be after Palestrina's compositions. Elsenheimer, of Cincinnati, has charge of the programme, and among the soloists and singers who will participate the event will be some of the best talent in this vicinIty.

Rev. John Lancaster Spalding. D. Bishop of Peoria, will deliver an address on 'Religion and Suits Filed. The Charles Boganschutz Stove and Range Company fled sult against the Cincinnati Safe and Lock Company for $1,186 80 and interest, alleged to be due on six notes.

George Weller Aled suit against the Cincinnati Safe and Lock Company for $200 and interest from December 20, 1901, alleged to be due on a note. The Cincinnati Iron Stove Company fled suit against the Cincinnati Safe and Lock Company for $428 19, alleged to be due for goods and merchandise. Charles L. Lundy filed suit gainst John J. $150 and interest from December 1891, alleged to be due on a note.

Circuit Court. In the Kenton Circuit Court yesterday judgment was rendered for $5,215 78 in the suit of the People's Bank of Dry Ridge against the administrator of Clarence The case of Marie Weber Evans. against the South Covington and Cincinnati Railway Company action for is $50,000 damages on trial. The brought for loss of the hand of her three-year-old daughter, who was run over by a street car. In the case of William B.

Brennen vs. Ben Gadker, for the recovery of a borse valued at $06, judgment was rendered for the de- Want McCreary To Speak. An enthusiastio meeting of the Jefferson Club was held last night at Central Garden. Hon. Frank Hutchins, of Owen County, and former Councilman W.

S. Nowland addressed the meeting. Preparations are being made for the Goebel memorial meeting on February 5. Senator McCreary will be invited to speak on the occasion. Burger's Funeral.

The remains of Julius Burger, who committed suicide in a barn near Dayton, Ohio, Tuesday night, were received yesterday by Undertaker Gus Menninger. 'The funeral services will be held at 9:80 o'clock to-morrow morning from Menninger'e morgue, under the auspices of Jefferson Council, United Workmen, and the remains interred at Linden Grove Cemetery. Mr. Clark Buried. The funeral of John Clark was held from his residence, 116 East Lynn street, yesterday, and was one of the largest ever held in Covington.

The deceased was a prominent politician. The remains were interred at Highland Cemetery. His remains were buried beside those of his brother James, who killed himself two weeks ago. County Court. The last will and testament of William Marshall was probated yesterday, and bequeathed all of his property to his wife, Rosa Marshall, and names her as executrix without bond.

Frank and Rolfsen Maggie Rolfsen transferred to Annie certain property situated in Bromley, in consideration of $2,000. Briefs: marriage license was granted to W. Mason, 28, of Somerset, and Mamie Curtis, 19, of Covington. The case of Charles H. Sidener, charged with offering a $500 bribe to Robert Jameson, President of the Board of Aldermen, was again continued in the Circuit Court yesterday.

E. T. Fitzgerald, who served for 11 detective for the C. and Company, has been promoted to the position of claim agent of the Kentucky Central Division. The special session of the United States Court held by Judge Cochran has been ad Journed, the docket having been cleared of all old cases.

There will be no more trials until the regular Court term in April Judge Cochran will hear motions Tuesday. Fourth Street Christian, C. G. McNeill pastor Morning service begins hereafter 10:45. In the morning F.

M. Rains preach, describing his recent visit to China. Wanted house for months from February 1. Creasey, Following of the is the annual report of Secre tary Water works A Wood: BalJanuary 1. 1901, receipts, total, mount over to the Treasurer during the balance, 02; 08: ance January 1, 1902, meet The at William its Riediin Republican Club purpose of settling to night of Al for headquarters the and Financial George, Secretary Schneider The tors the held between officers the hours 7 election The be installed The decision of Gregory the Kenton Court and Cincinnati Elevated Transfer Bridge Company suit for by $10.000 the Court of It a and Court decided for the The who funeral died last of Henry man.

at the this residence, No. 2 Pour At the meeting Workhouse and City last of John THE RIVER. NEWPORT. NEWPORT. 221 ruction st fund bitle parable total, balance.

of bonds during year 1901: works bonds 84.000 Improvement bonds construction 2.000 Total Balance various sinking funds, 11. last annual report City Auditor show the redemption of worth bonds by the city, making a total of worth of city bonds redeemed in two This speaks well for the city Newport. To Make the Apportionment. new Ways and Means Committee of the General Council will next Monday evening begin the arduous work of making up the apportionment ordinance which provide the entire revenue on which the eity government will be run during the year 1902, It will take more than a week to complete the work, but the ordinance must be pleted, passed by both boards and signed by the Mayor during the month of January. Mayor Nelson confidently expecta to again the tax rate this year at 10 cents.

but there is urgent necessity for things. such police force, and there are several other hosehouse needed by the Fire and Depart as a chemical engine ment, it may be impossible to do The estimates for the various departwill ments are take all in. and the committee now the estimates one by one and allow them or scale them as the needs of the city would seem to indicate. It is alwill most be an assured fact that six extra police allowed the department. Church Notes.

Rev. F. E. Bigelow, pastor of the York Street Congregational Church, will have for his topics to-morrow "The Apostolic Church In the Street and and Essentials of Salvation." At St. Church Rev.

F. C. Longaker will have for his morning subject In the evening the topio will be "The Righteousness of Noah." The Metropolitan Quartet will sing the offertory anthem at the morning service. Sunday school will also reopen at 9:15. Considerable interest is being taken in the sermon that Rev.

W. T. Donaldson will preach at the Central Christian Church tomorrow evening. It will be devoted entirely to the poolroom evil as it exists at pree ent in Newport, and the various city officials have all been invited to attend. Rule Against Cosgriff, In the County Court yesterday Delta Cosgriff fled an amdavit alleging that Mr.

and Mrs. James Cosgriff were not the proper persons to care for Linnie and Walter Cosgriff, the two children of James Congriff by his first wife. As a result of the affidavit Judge Hissem issued rule against Cosgriff, returnable this morning, to show cause why guardian should not be appointed for the two children, who have already been placed in the Convent of the Good Shepherd. Company To Be Incorporated. Manager Hunt, of the Pike, left for New York on a still hunt for eral big theatrical novelties, which the local stock company will produce at that theater within next Mr.

Hunt known not that he is after. but it le of new which the closed prosperous in BIG MANAGERIAL QUARTET HERE SHOW GOSSIP. bit of that Mr. ed locally MANAGER HUNTS DEPARTURE Mr. E.

D. Stair, of Detroit: Colonel H. Whallen and brother, of the Buckingham Theater, Louisville, and Gus Hill, the well-known manager of New York, all in the city yesterday guests of Managers Heuck and Fenneasy FRAULEIN BRANDI'S FUNERAL PECTAL DISPATCH TO THE New York, January to the Fath. erland, which she left only a few months ago, will be borne to-morrow the body of Fraulein Kaethe Brandt, the young German actress. Her funeral took place this afternoon at St.

Peter's Lutheran Church, Lexington avenue and Forty-sixth street. All the prominet actors of the German stage this city were present. Herr Frans Kierschner, the dean of the profession. made an address. Herr Albert Reiss, singer from the Metropolitan Opera House, to whom the young woman had been to be married, sat in one of the pews.

His bead was bowed during the services, and took when the last look words had been spoken a last the face of the dead and left the church weeping. Charles Gregorowitsch, the violinist, played a largo by Handel, and Mme. Schumann Heink sang "Vater Unser." As the congregation before the comn organist, Mr. Schueler, played Beethoven' Truer March. The body was taken tonight to the steamer Palatia, which tomorrow morning sails for Germany.

MISS EVES8ON Given $1,800 Damages in Her Suit Against Ziegfried, SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE ENQUIRES. Philadelphia, January Jury in the case of Isabella Evesson, the 80- tress who played the part of Corall in "Papa's Wife," against Manager Florens Ziegfried, to recover for alleged breach of contract in discharging her before the end of her engagement, returned a verdict -day before Judge Bregy in Common Pleas Court No. 1 in the plaintiff's favor for The verdict is subject to point of law served for whether the Court to pass upon. It as to Miss Evesson, when she signed a receipt in full for her salary the time of her discharge, released the fendant from all further lability or debarred herself of any right to recover. MANAGER SHAW ILL TO THE January Charles of the Avenue Theater, forCincinnati, has been forced to go his health.

The theater charge of Treasurer Tom Nel. RIALTO BRIEFS. The papers necessary for the Incorpora- manager Shaw, merly of tion of the new traction line between to Florida for andria and Newport have all been prepared, temporary and the necessary legal steps win be taken sOn. in a few days. The nante of the new road will be the Newport and Alexandria Electric Traction Company.

Narrow Escape. Squire M. F. Donelan had a narrow escape from injury while standing at York and Southgate streets yesterday afternoon. big coll of heavy electric wire dropped from a pole and struck on the sidewalk beside him, just grazing his head.

Newport Briefs. Newport Briefs. Sanitary Officer Marz, in his report to the City Council, recommends that the flush basins of the sewer system be regulated flush more frequently, and that the catch basins be kept clean. He states that there are 161 houses posted for contagious diseases. Twenty-seven aged and infirm pesple have been sent to the County Infirmary and $520 spent for coal and groceries -Sheriff Fred California Miller will leave next Monday for on a combined and pleasure tour.

Gerhard Wiesmann received the and Intelligence yesterday of the death of his aged mother at Huntington, Ind. The Taylor Street M. and York Street Congregational Churches will resume their Sabbath school services to-morrow at 9:15 a. m. John M.

Eckel, of Cincinnati, and Catherine Schmitz. of Cold Spring, secured a marriage license yesterday. The Holy Name Society of the Church of the Immaculate Conception will celebrate its second anniversary to-morrow at the church. The Board of Health will adopt vigorous measures to compel children who have not been vaccinated to remain away from the schools until they submit to the operation. At a special received meeting showing held that last there night is reports were preconcerted movement among the parents of school children who are opposed to vaccination to resist the orders of the board and test the compulsory vaccination the board intends to fight back.

letter was received here yesterday from R. J. Pryor, of this city, now in Chicago, telling of a narrow escape he had from beIng asphxiated. In turning on the electric lights the bell boy turned on the gas. Pryor and his roommate a Mr.

McGuinness, noticed the smell of the deadly gas in time to turn it off. Attorneys Ryan and Michie yesterday compromised the case of Bassett the United States Cast Iron and Steel Company for $1,100. Bassett was badly burned while firing furnace at the foundry. BELLEVUE, KY. Gabriel Hoyns, the Street Commissioner, figured in a runaway yesterday morning.

The horse driven by him became frightened at a passing car. Hoyns was thrown from the vehicle drawn by the horse and under the wheels which passed over his body. badly bruised about the body DAYTON, KY. A Tiff With a Tub. James Mahaffey had a lively encounter with a tub Thursday night, and the episode la destined to go down in history with Don Quixote's famous battle with the windmill.

When. Mahaffey returned to his home at 730 Third avenue on Thursday night he tell into a tub of water, which his wife had inadvertently left standing in the yard. After disentangling himself from the utensil, purple with rage, he selzed the tub and threw it all the force he could mon the arbor. The rebounded and struck an jolt in dashed the it ribs. with Again increased he seized vigor the against tub and other post, with disastrous results.

It struck him on the jaw and floored him. ly dazed he slowly arose and seizing an made kindling wood of the obnoxious and somewhat laundry ment. The Royal Circle held Its annual tion last night. Howard Jolly, in the to his Jolly, during a the Injured Filipino in the Edward Schled, of Gould, were married at the parents Spann, Ohio, ADVANCED a Man in Court, Caused Excitement. Louisville, January 17.

In the Crime Inal Court this evening while the trial Allen Palmer, with being the of the child of Carrie SHekels, was progress, Charles the brother the girl, advanced toward Palmer threatening manner. Frank Carroll, Depaty grabbed Stickies and from the courtroom. prevalled for a and Stickies upon the Judge had no intention to harm the could not COOK MEDICAL GROWING OLD RAPIDLY! Happy Golden Years COOK. M. D.

SEXUAL disease of the be invited for it not to If you CINCINNATI COoK. D. COOK MEDICAL COMPANY, Cincinnati, Vine MILLER Goes To Chattanooga For the Big Four, Succeeding Charley Clark. George Metager's Positions To Be Split Up. J.

R. Davidson Likely To Succeed General Freight and Passenger Agent Schindler. It understood that Mr. Miller, who City Passenger Agent of the Big Four Columbus, Ohio, will be appointed Traveling Passenger Agent of the company, with headquarters at Chattanooga. He will sueceed Charley Clark, who has been made Central Passenger Agent of the company, with headquarters here.

MET HERE YESTERDAY. Representatives of Central Treme Assocation lines were in session at the Grand Hotel yesterday considering settlers' rates to the Northwest. It was decided to put the rates into effect next March and April. No action was taken in regard to the construction of fares in Ohio. meeting had been called to be held here yesterday to take action on the follow.

ing resolution passed by the Central Pas. senger Association et the meeting held at Chicago on January 8: Resolved, That with view to reaching. possible, common interpretation of the recent decision of the Supreme Court in regard to the construction of fares in the State of Ohio in order that 4 uniform basis may be observed in the revision of rate sheets, Ohio lines consult their respective general counsels and convene for ton of tie situation at the Grand Hotel, Cincinnati, January 11. Owing to the fact that a number of lines not represented no definite action was taken. The lines that were Invited to resentatives at the meeting were sylvania, Baltimore and Ohio, Baltimore and Obto Southwestern, Norfolk and ern, Nickel Plate, Lake Erie and Western, Hocking Valley, Cleveland, Lorain Wheeling, Columbus.

Sandusky and HockIns. Toledo, 8t. Louis and Detrott Southern and Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton. DETEOTIVE CARBON. On a recent visit to the Ohio Penitentiary Howard Carson, the popular Assistant Ticket Manager of the Big Four Road, through the cunning manner in which he succeeded in gaining the confidence of number of trusty criminals confined Columbus, unearthed plot to overthrow authorities and secure the release the prisoners.

He discovered that there were anywhere from 50 to 100 revolvers and a number of swords and knives which bad sled into the penitentiary and hid in for the revolt, was to tale place on an agreed signal. Notice was at once taken the secure the authorities and measures to arms and quell the uprising. This cunning piece of detective work on the part of Carson stamps him among the foremost men in the profession, which, owing to the manner in which he has handled this case, may result in him being employed by the state authorities in the secret service. A TROLLEY SOHEME SPECIAL DISPATCH TO ENQUIRER. Mishawaka, January P.

My. ers, wealthy resident of Buffalo, and brother to Mrs. M. Kuhne, of this city, the representative of a gigantic syndicate of capitalists from New York, Ohio and Michigan which propose to connect City of New York with principal Western points by trolley. Louts is the ultimate destination, and Myere engaged in securing an onedred-toot of way for the corporation.

Myers has long been a faithful for and much of the ator's money Invest in York, It claimed, will effected by January 1, 1903. The project monstrous one, but it only the limitless scope of electricity a tive power. PURCHASED POB PENNSYLVANIA. Detroit, January 17. The entire capital stock of the Manistique and Northeastern Railiray was purchased by Daniel Kaufman of Marquette, Mich, and P.

R. Metheany, Secretary of the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway. title and under 1 capitalization: of 000. that the is Railroad reaching is behind for the iron project, a that it out the ore of Northern Michigan through Grand and Rapids and Indians, which it already owns controls. The Manistique Northrune north from Manistique to with distance the of 40 Duluth, miles, Bouth it con- INCORPORATED.

PECIAL DISPATCH Fairmont, W. January A formed here to-day to be known the and Company. of the of Cincinnati, York City, Baltiand this city, the charter for from this place to- day. the of coal Barbour and their Intention to broad from their coal territory countie mentioned to to connect with Onto Road. A TRAFFIO ARRANGEMENT.

Ohio, A between the Pennsylvania Comand B. and 0. enabling both to direct. Cleveland-Pittsburg route, is ported to John NeVer options on property West Niles for a line to connect branch the the B. and O.

at De Forest intention to use the B. and to Ravenna, and there connect and P. to both BUILT A SPUR. Ohio Ohio, Electric January Last night the Cincinnati, built a spur Hamilton and at Cride hitched an to 13 gravel care, hauled them onto its ews tracks and put them into service, The then torn The electria company the ft. the steam line of electrie the road because parallels the steam fact line that 8T.

LOUIS TO CHICAGO. B. SPECIAL DISPATCH TO THE Frankfort, Ky, January 17 RepresentaWeatherford, of Graves, evideatly hetive of lieves in protecting the citizens -tate. for in the House to-day he introduced one bill to prevent and punish kidnaping and to keep people from losing their another money In poolrooms The antibill provides that no telegraph, cable of telephone company can run a wire Into nor deliver a message concernpoolroom, Ing betting on the races. else every one connected with the act.

Incinding linemen, messengers and operators, will be heavily Aned. Weatherford also wants property protected againat any mishap. as another his bills requires trust companies to give bond when acting as administrator or trustee of an estate. Representative Robinson, of Franklin, In favor of having monument erected at the site of the famous battle of Tippecanoe, and introduced a resolution to-day urging Kentucky Congressmen to vote for an appropriation for that purpose. Representative Worthington thinks it la not always the liquor sellers' fault when minor buys whiaky.

80 he Introduced a bill to-day providing that where minor over 19 years of age misrepresents his age in order to buy liquor he shall be fined from 825 to $50. Representative Bradley, of Hopkins County, offered a bill to repeal that part of the law known as the tollgate raiders' act, which authorizes the County Judge to appoint from two to ten guards to protect property when the owner makes amdavit that the property is in danger of injury or destruction. The guards appointed under this act in the recent strike troubles in Hopkins cost that county about $15,000, and Mr. Bradley wants the law repealed. Many House Bills.

The greater part of the day in the House was devoted to the Introduction of bills. Among those presented were the following: By Bradley, of Hopkins Authorizing Sheriffs to summon posses to guard property threatened by mobs or raiders. By Letterle- Amending act providing for the creation and regulation of private corportions The bill permits companlea to buy or sell franchises and properties of other companies not parallel or competing lines at private or public sale. By Lawson -Providing that railroads incorporated In Kentucky may consolidate with railroads incorporated in other states, where a continuous and noncompeting route is established. By Klair- Providing for uniform phone rates in the state.

By Conrad -Requiring nonresidents to pay a license fee of $25 for the privilege of hunting and shooting game birds and animals in the state. By Weatherford Increasing the fine for running or galloping a horse upon a public highway from $10 to $25. By Ton increasing the salaries of Railroad Commissioners from $2,000 to 83,000, and providing a salary of $1,300 for the Secretary of commission. By Adams -Amending the law regulating real estate title insurance companies to provide that such companies shall have capital as follows: In counties of less than 75,000 population, in countles of less than. 100,000 population and over 75,000, in counttes of more than 100,000 population, $150,000.

By Creating a State Board of Law Examiners providing for a uniform standard of admission to the bar. By North--Providing that title to lands upon the right way of railroads and turnpikes shall not be acquired by occupying or inclosing the same. By North--Requiring national banks to give names of stockholders in order that bank stocks may be listed for taxation. By Offut-Including dipnets among Illegal instruments used in the capture of fish. By Mr.

Lewis -Extending the open season on quail to Include the month of January, and another prohibiting the trapping and snaring quall. By Mr. 5. Brown. Jr.

Regulating telephone rates with a maximum charge of per month. By Mr. Kennedy- Providing that the open season on quail. partridge, pheasant and rabbit shall close on December 15, and providing that game shall not be killed on any one's order "for the protection of crops The Senate in Detail. In the Senate Mr.

Byron presented a resolution directing the Committee on Charitable Institutions to visit all said institutions and report their needs and condition, the state to pay the expenses of said visits. The resolution lies over one day. The House resolution berating the tobacco trust and urging Congress, in the Interest of the small tobacco growers, to remove the tax on tobacco met with much opposttion from the Republican Senators, who obJected particularly to the preamble, which contained language condemnatory of the trust. The Democrats voted down a motion to strike out the preamble, and the resolu-1 tion was adopted by vote of 28 to 3. The House resolution urging Congress to provide for elections of United States Senstore by direct rote of the people was unanimously adopted.

The following bills, among others, Introduced: By Byron--Amending the law governing the selection by providing that the grand or petit jurors first drawn from the wheel are exhausted before a is completed more names must be drawn from the wheel and forthwith summoned, provided the Judge may in his discretion, there be no more than three jurors lacking, direct the Sheriff to summon from the bystanders. By the of kerosene or coal oll and to prevent a monopoly in the sale thereof. By Tolin the game law by 1 quiring nonresidents of the state to pay license of $10 to hunt in this state. It is intended to apply especially to all the Ohio River countles. By Toltn- it a felony to throw vitriol upon the person of another.

Steering Committee, President Utley, of the Senate, this afternoon announced the Democratic Steering Committee of the body for the session. made up of five of the leading members Af. Hickman, J. George Campbell T. Farris, Cantrill, W.

0. man and President Utley. LADIES Were In Evidence at the ernor's Reception, SPECIAL DISPATCH TO TAN ENQUIRER. Frankfort, January. Governor and Mrs.

Beckham received the members of the Legislature and a number of guests from out of town at the mansion to The reception was one of the most delightful social attairs Frankfort has ever seen. The mansion was handsomely decorated and lighted. There was a buffet lunch and dancing late in the evening. The Governor's staff and all the state officers tended. Among the ladies inthe recelving line were Mrs.

J. C. W. Beckham, Mrs. Sulla Beckham, mother of the Governor; Mrs.

Ed Febnell, Mrs. 8. J. Shackelford, Mrs. W.

Groyot, Mrs. Gus. Coulter, Mrs. John B. Owens.

Chenault, Mrs. Mrs. W. L. D.

B. Ray, Anderson, Mrs. Mrs. Walter C. C.

Chapman. Mrs. J. P. Hobson, 8.

Hager, Miss Mime Smith, Miss David Todd, On the 1st of March the Santa Fe will tablish through train service between (hiCAgO and Bi. Louta, The route will be by of Peoria. The Santa has a terminus at Pekin, the and Chicago, yore and been Louts made Road with for connection, line will be to thence over for which was receutiy purchand by the inc IP MERIT COUNTS. It la not known who will be appointed General Freight and Passenger Agent of the Cincinnati Northern to succeed Mr. Schindler, who has resigned to go with the Detrott Southern General Freight 4 merit count la Commerical Agent of the Cincinnati Northern here, will get the place Mr.

Davidson is a bustier and well equipped for the place. ANOTHER BID. Baltimore, January Hayes today received another application looking to the of the holdings in the Western Maryland Ratirond Company, and still another to That which came day la from Henry Hen1214 Arch street, Philadelphia, who requests that be afforded an opportunity bid for the property, that on the footing with regard to put property as others. TO BE SPLIT UP. It 1 that Local Freight Agent of the BIg Four will appotnted.

George Mets. who has the title of General Agent, for some time has practically filled the poetcions of General Agent and Local Agent. It understood that the poettions will be separated month. Mr. Metager win continue General Agent of the company and a will be appointed Local Agent.

SPECIAL DISPATCH TO New York, January 17. Arrangements were concluded to-night whereby two apecal performances of Maeterlinck's drama, "Pelless and Melisande," will be given at the Victoria Theater OD Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of Mrs. last and third week of her New York engagement. The reason for giving the two performances of this play at the Victoria Theater and not at the Republic, where Mrs. Campbell is playing, is due to the fact that 1 special orchestra of 40 pieces is required for the presentation of the drama.

The location of the orchestra in the Republic Theater is above the proscenium arch, and the box there will only accommodate 10. Henry Grattan Donnelly, the playwright, is suing his wife for divorce this statutory grounds. The case wil come up late this month in the Supreme Court. The charge upon which the divorce suit is filed is that Mrs. Donnelly is receiving the attentions Frederick R.

Rotheroe, civil engineer of the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad. Mr. Donnelly is the author of plays that have enjoyed prosperity. He wrote the book of Ahoy." Gas" and "A Night at the Circus," in which Nellie McHenry starred. STARGAZER In Hongkong, China, Sued in Dayton, Ohio, For Divorce.

SPECIAL DISPATOR TO TEE ENQUIRER. Dayton, Ohio, January Harriet E. Doberck brought suit for divorce late this afternoon against Augustus W. Doberck, who at present in the employ of the Britieh Government in Hongkong, China. Mrs.

Doberck alleges neglect. The husband represented Great Brittan the national astronomer in the British Observatory in Hongkong. They were married in 8t. Martin Church, MiddleCounty, England. Plaintiff Harriet Harris before her second had wedded Abner Harris, wealthy farmer and cared for him in his declining days.

Abner Harris an old man when wedded him. It stated that to marry him on at his deata, he covenant up and is have been eigned by both Harris's dealth the she met Mr. Dober in this city. Later went to Europe, again Doberck, and they to share other's forThe followed and they went to China. sequel comes Montgomery County Courts, Doberck is now living on the farm by the pre with nuptial money obcontract.

BUTTER, EGGS AND CHEESE. York. January steady; state da creamery 1 June factory full full fall fancy late lower: Penney York, January spring fowls turkeys 1 Janua fancy 160176, roll 17618c, roll dium and me and 4.81c. wood Included Philadelphia, fancy inta dull, do do Bout fancy fair to choice stock storage Januar chicken Tobacco, 43 AGREEMENT REACHED. Roanoke, January General Committee of the Norfolk 604 Western Railroa4 branch of the Order of Railway Telegraphers been The in work session which here it had for the in hand was the of new agreement with the management of the Norfolk and Western and understood that 4 satisfactory understanding has been reached.

UNDER ADVIsem*nT. Cleveland, Ohio, January the of to-day's conterence between the officials of the Lake Shore Railroad and committee representing the locomotive gineers, who re asking advance in stated the company had taken the matter under advisem*nt. Another meeting will be held nest Wednesdecision on the pert of the company be HAS RESIGNED. HAS RESIGNED. Milwaukee, January 17-The Daily mys: "It is officially announced that Ossian F.

Bird, Assistant General Freight Agent of the Milwaukee and BL Paul Road, his resigned. He has with the company since 1585. His future piane are undetermined. FILED YESTERDAY. FILED YESTERDAY.

Dover, January certificate for an increase of capital stock of the delphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail. Company by the tasuance of 160.000 hares at per oF 88,000,000, fled with the Secretary of State to-day. RESIGNED. Ban Bernardino, January 11. -News reached this elty of the resignation of Meebante G.

W. Smith. of the Santa const line. It to rumored that Thomas Pacton, of the Chicago Division, wik succeed to the poultion of Master Mechanic. AOTING ROADMASTER.

J. F. Johnston has been appointed Acting Roadmaster of the Rock Island, with headquarters at Chickesha, Ind. T. He succeeds R.

H. Lawrence, resigned NOTES. Paul D. City Passenger and Agent of Shore, was here from his quarters at Buffalo. George Barber.

who represents the Chess. and Ohio Passenger Department at Lexington, was here yesterday. 1, C. Hopkins, who represents the the peake and Ohio at Catiettabura, was in city yesterday. and General 0.

Me Cert of the again yesterd The New Central his four-track in pamphlet form. General Agent Vallery, of the Burlington, rent to Chicago yesterday. LAWRENCEBURG. Lizzie suit to aim of his own She Hayes in her commisappropriating belonging to the children Miss kept house for Mr. Hayes.

to Clyde Waller rah Issued For. yesterday AURORA, IND. discus light plant and waterInions favorthe city to will balid matter City Council at its next CHAMPAGNE. SPECIAL At Banquets; all, social GREAT WESTERN CHAMPAGNE Gold Medal the 1900. PLEASANT VALLEY WINE all.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

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