The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)

IN HIGH TOURNEY Shelby Kendall Erlanger's best bet in the Northern Kentucky High School Golf Tournament is Shelby Kendall, who was entered in the meet today. Kendall did well last year until the final round. Wendall Lucas also will represent the Juggernauts. Schwartz Cafemen Beat We Taverns Two home runs by Earl Eilers, first-sacker for the Schwartz Cafe, paved the way for a 5-to-3 victory over We Tavern, co-leaders of the Bellevue Recreation League. The victory made it their sixth successive win.

One of the hits came in the opening frame with two men on the sacks and the other in the fifth inning with a man on. Carl Denton again hurled for the Cafe team. They were outhit, 10 to 8. Denton was opposed by Gilly Rutz. The defeat knocked the Taverns from top position, leaving the B.

Keslars sole possessors of first place. Schwartz's are now games behind the second-place Taverns. The Bellevue Merchants and the Keslars will meet tonight on No. 1 Grounds, while Avenue Cafe and Schwartz Cafe will battle on No. 2 diamond.

Immanuel Baptists Defeat Christians Although both teams collected the same number of hits, eight, the Immanuel Baptist team of the Covington Church League used its bingles to a greater advantage and defeated the Ludlow Christian team, 8 to 5, last night. Baker hurled for the losers and fanned 10 men. Hall did the pitching for the winners and whiffed eight. Two home runs were slugged out. Jake Denham got one the Christians, while Bill Loper added for, one for the winners.

The losers played the game with nine men, Second Caravan of Donks Arrive A second caravan of donkeys will invade northern Kentucky tonight to demonstrate the game of softball played astride a donkey's back. Last night one caravan opened a three-game series at the Covington Ball Park, where the team sponsored by Covington Optimists defeated the Junior Chamber of Commerce, 5 to 2. The games, arranged under direction of the Kiwanis Club, continue tonight and tomorrow night. The second group of burros opens at Andrews Field. Newport, for a one-night stand.

Two picked teams are to be mounted, the promoters reported. SCOUT WORKERS ARE ENLISTED Erlanger- -Elsmere Community To Be Canvassed for Sustaining Memberships The Erlanger-Elsmere section of the Boy Scout sustaining membership drive has completed a list of 48 workers who will call on the citizens of their communities to enroll as sustaining members of the Northern Kentucky Boy Scout Council. Morris Y. Thomas is district commissioner in charge of the campaign. He is assisted by Gayle Arnold, Harry B.

Slater and Frank D. Edwards, neighborhood commissioners. Other workers in the appeal organization are H. P. Day, Andy Scheben Virgil Day, George Brockman, J.

C. Penn, Irvin Bramlage, William Zumbiel, Myles Murphy, Blaine Fulton, Everett Yelton, Jean McAllister, Miss Martha Sanders, Lyman Penn, Gurney Mitchell, Ferd Heckel, Helen Kadar, Lon Victor, F. J. Fishback, Edgar Arnett, Joe Lee, Bryce Vanlandingham, Mrs. A.

B. Rouse, Mrs. Mabel Tavlin, Twyman Clutterbuck, Mrs. Bernie Taylor. Mrs.

Joe Steidle, Ed Moss, John Schiller, John Crowell, Joe Cook, Jake Hopkins, Mrs. Clifford Miller, Mrs. George Milner, A. H. Grubbs, M.

McClure, F. D. Brown, Mrs. Jess Courtney, Mrs. V.

A. Dahlenburg, Ray Kordenbrock, Joe Anderson. Olin Keeney, Mrs. Jack Bradjord. A meeting will be held Saturday at 7:30 p.

m. at the Erlanger Christian Church to complete final plans for the membership appeal. WYNNE IS LAWYER FRANKFORT, June Wynne, University of Kentucky basketball coach and athletic director, appeared before the Court of Appeals today. Nothing was amiss, however, Wynne was merely sworn in as an attorney in Kentucky. He already has practiced law in his home state, Nebraska, and in Alabama, where he formerly coached Auburn, Crescent Cabbies Run Down Meyers The Crescent Cabs stepped on the gas last night at Licking Park and ran over the Meyer Cafe team to win a 17-to-9 victory.

Spectators enjoyed a parade of pitchers as Lefty Brau and Evie Evans were knocked about with gay abandon by the winners. Bob Hewling hurled for the Cabbies, while Holyoke, Austin and Freeman paced the Crescent batters with a barrage of bingles. Hap Hansen hit home run for the winners. Marty Waters was the defensive giant for the same club. Home Run Futile; White Oak Falls In spite of a booming home run by Virgil McGaugh, the White Oak team of the Ludlow American Legion went down to defeat last night before the Riddell Confectionery, 10 to 8.

The game was played at the legion grounds. Ben Hur the O'Hearn Bennett teams clash tonight in another league game. Two Ball Leagues to Hold Meetings The Northern Kentucky Amateur Baseball Named the Kenton County Holy Society are to hold meetings this week to repair raintorn schedules. The NKABA is to meet at the Covington City Building at 8 p. m.

Thursday. The religious league is to gather Friday at the Mother of God school hall. LARGE SELECTION BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS Armstrong's Floor Coverings. 29c yd. RUGS LARGE SELECTION $2.95 738 Madison Covington COR 6th Newport.

York HE. 0744. so. 4805. CORRECTION! STEAMER CHAIRS Advertised in Yesterday's Paper at Described INCLUDE with FOOTREST.



R. R. R. R. R.

R. THE KENTUCKY POST. -THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1935, KIRBY IS RETURNED TO ANSWER CHARGE Robbery Case Up in Campbell Circuit Court Next Week Edward Kirby, 35, of Cincinnati, returned here yesterday from the Frankfort penitentiary by Sheriff Albert E. Howe, will be arraigned next week in Campbell Circuit Court 'on a robbery charge in connection with the holdup of the Newport Branch of the Union Light, Heat Power Co. Kirby and his brother, Ernest, are alleged to have cowed 25 employes and patrons of the light company office into the cashier's cage on June 15, 1934, and escaped with $500.

Ernest Kirby was tried and was sentenced to 20 years. Edward Kirby was arrested at Louisville with his brother but was taken to Carrollton, to face a robbery charge. He was sentenced five years recently at Carrollton and then taken to Frankfort. MONTJOY CASE PUSHED Transcript for Appeal Is Prepared After Pauper Oath Is Filed James Beatty Davis, Kenton Circuit Court stenographer, began today the preparation of a complete record in the case of John Montjoy, Covington Negro sentenced to hang for criminal attack of a Covington woman. Attorneys for Montjoy appeared before Judge Johnst Northcutt terday, filed a motion and affidavit of pauperism for the defendant, and thus paved the way for a free transcript of the records to be used when Montjoy's case is heard by the Court of Appeals.

He has been granted a stay of execution pending the appeal. SECURITA ON Name Alone YOUR name is enough to get a loan. Just sign a plain note and get the cash you need. No Furniture of Auto Mortgage. No Endorsers or Salary Assignment.

This Service is in Addition To Our Regular Plan LOANS $30 TO $300 WITH as long as 20 months to repay. Payments to suit your convenience. $3 Per Month Pays $60 Loan $5 Per Month $100 $10 Per Month Pays $200 Loan OTHER payments in proportion plus legal interest. Immediate Service LOAN COMPANY Rooms 1-2, Second Floor 615 Madison Ave. Phone HE.

5544. Deaths Members of Robert Burns Lodge, No. 163, F. A. will assemble at the Newport Masonic Temple Friday at 1 p.

m. to attend the funeral of Arthur H. Krieger, a deceased member of the organization. Miss Henrietta M. Kessen Funeral services for Miss Henrietta M.

Kessen, 308 South Ft. Thomas avenue, Ft. Thomas, will be held at the residence Saturday at 8:30 a. with solemn requiem high mass at St. Thomas Church at 9 a.

m. Burial will be in St. Joseph's Cemetery. Miss Kessen died Tuesday night. She was a member of the Immaculate Conception Society of St.

Thomas Church and had been active in missionary work of the church for many years. She leaves her mother, Henrietta Kessen; three sisters, Miss Emma Kessen, Ft. Thomas; Mrs. Elizabeth Schneider, Covington, and Mrs. Margaret M.

Troescher, Caldwell, and two brothers, Joseph F. Kessen, Park Hills, and AnKessen, Ft. Thomas. Muehlenkamp, Costigan Roll, Newport, have charge of the funeral. Louis Baiser Funeral services for Louis Balser, 120 Lee street, Covington, will be held at the home of his daughter, Mrs.

Everett Courtney, 736 Garrard street, Covington, Friday at 2 p. m. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery. Mr. Balser was 57.

He died Tuesday at his home following a long illness. Mr. Balser had been a resident of Covington for 35 years. Beside his daughter he leaves his widow, Mrs. Emma Balser; two sons, Eugene and Charles Balser, both of Covington; two sisters, Mrs.

Andrew Hetteseimer and Mrs. Edward Williams; five brothers, Chris, George, Charles and Winnie Balser, all of Cleves, and Everett Balser, Hamilton, and three grandchildren. The John J. Radel Newport, has charge of the funeral. Mrs.

Minnie Moeller Funeral services for Mrs. Minnie Moeller, 18. Burdsall avenue, Ft. Mitchell, will be held at the residence Saturday at 8:30 a. with requiem high mass at Blessed Sacrament Church at 9 a.

m. Burial will be in St. John's Cemetery, Mrs. Moeller was 84. She died early Wednesday at her home following a long illness.

Mrs. Moeller had been a resident of Covington and Kenton county for the past 75 years. She leaves six daughters, Mrs. Fred Lehker of Cincinnati, Mrs. Fred Derheimer, Mrs.

John Burke, Mrs. Joseph Van Handorf, Mrs. Emma Dyas and Loretta Moeller, and two brothers, Miss Harry and John Moeller, all of CovJohn N. Middendorf Sons, Covington, have charge of the funeral, Michael J. Jordan Funeral services for Michael J.

Jordan, 40 Carneal street, Ludlow, will be held at the residence Saturday at 8:30 a. with requiem high mass at St. James Church at 9 a. m. Burial will be in St.

Mary's Cemetery. Mr. Jordan was 72. He died Wednesday at his home following short illness. Mr.

Jordan was a boilermaker and had been an employe of the Southern R. Co. for a number of years. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Anna Wilcox Jordan, and one sister, Mrs.

Catherine Jordan, Louisville, Ky. Allison Rose, Covington, have charge of the funeral. NORGE Rollator Refrigerator DEPENDABLE Because it's powered to make more cold than you'll ever need. The reserve of power in the Norge coldmaking mechanism brings you more dependable refrigeration and greater economy. Since the Rollator never has to work to capacity, it uses very little carrent.

Get the inside facts about Rollator Refrigeration. Come in and see the Norge. You Can Now Buy for As a Little Norge As $5 Month H. W. Stephens Open Appliance Eves.

Until Shop 9 3618 Decoursey (Personal Service) HE. 6165 "Kentucky Clothes Made by Kentucky Tailors for Kentucky Gentlemen" Men's Unclaimed Custom- Tailored Regular $22.50 SUITS and $32.50 Values. Special 2.90 Overcoa W. CLOTHING A. COMPANY NASH AT THE FACTORY 235 Scott St.

(Fifth Floor) Covington NOW! Is the Time to Take Care of That Paint Job. "WEARMORE" PAINTS Will Make Those Worn Spots Bright and Cheery. There's a Dealer in Your Neighborhood THEA. L. BOEHMER PAINT CO.

PIKE 114, HEmlock ST. 0212 3: no for 3rd Co. on to of Chas, a. car for attractive CHAIN LETTER GIVES BROTHER'S ADDRESS Nephew of Harry Traylor Dies Suddenly in Wichita; Formerly Resident of Ludlow My present address? Look on the chain letter I sent you. Some several weeks age 0 that might have been trivial yet priate conversation, but yesterday an address on a chain letter solved an unusual problem for one northern Kentucky family.

Harry Traylor, Bromley, father of Miss Dorothy Traylor, magistrate and former Kenton county relief official, received a wire from Wichita, informing him of the death there of a nephew whose name was the same as his own. For approximately ten years the local Traylor, family had not known where the nephew's father, Frank Traylor, resided. Upon receiving the telegram yesterday, Miss Traylor remembered that her father had received chain letter from his brother, Frank. By searching through letters and papers in her home Miss Traylor found the chain letter. It contained the address of her uncle Frank, who lives in Emporia, and a reply to the first wire was soon on its way.

Harry Traylor died suddenly in Wichita. He formerly was a resident of Ludlow. 1 Funeral Directors JOHN W. CHARLES G. JOHN N.


T. M. SWINDLER Free Use of Our Modern Funeral Home 214 W. SOUTHERN LATONIA Ambulance Service. HE.

3014. 2 Death Notices BALSER- Phillips Balser, beloved Tuesday, husband June of 4, 1935, at residence, 1207 Lee-st, Covington. Funeral Friday, June 7, from the residence of his daughter Mrs. Everett Courtney, 736 with services at 2 p. m.

KRUSE- -Mattie (nee Craig) beloved wife of George Kruse, Wednesday, June 5, 1935, at the residence Taylor Mill-rd, Forrest Hill, age 56 years. Funeral Saturday, June 8, from the John N. Middendorf Sons Funeral Home, 917 Main-st, Covington, at 8:30 a. m. Blessing at St.

Anthony Church at 9 a. m. Interment Mother of God Cemetery. MOELLER- Minnie (nee Enderlein), widow of John Moeller, Wednesday, June 5, 1935, at the residence, 18 Burdsall-av, So. Ft.

Mitchell, aged 84 years. Funeral Saturday, June 8, from the residence at 8:30 a. m. Requiem high mass at Blessed Sacrament Church at 9 a. m.

Interment St. John's Cemetery. NEUNER- Peter, beloved husband of the late Maria Elizabeth Neuner (nee Bieker), at Tamaqua, Pa. Remains at the Hugenberg Glindmeyer Funeral Home, 40 W. Sixth-st, Covington, Ky.

Due notice of funeral. RALENKOTTER-Robert beloved husband of Clara Ralenkotter (nee Thompson), Thursday, June 6, 1935, at his home, 315 Garvey-av, Elsmere, age 63 years. Funeral from the Taliaferro Funeral Home, at 8:30 a. Saturday, June 8. Requiem high mass at St.

Henry Church, at 9 a. m. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. WASHINGTON- beloved son of Alsia and George Washington, Wednesday, June 5, 1935, at his residence, Beech and Myrtle-av, Rossmoyne, O.

Remains at the Gildehaus-Baiter Funeral Home, 2911 Vine-st, Corryville. Services at the Crematory Saturday, June 8, at 2:30 p. m. (0.) papers please copy.1 GEORGE B. J.

Linnemann Sons FUNERAL HOME 25 East Eleventh St. HEmlock 0557. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 8 Lost and Found LADY'S white gold wrist watch; between 1906 and 2316 Madison; lib. rew; initials I. F.

F. Return 2316 Madison. LARGE BLACK CAT WHITE FEET; REWARD. SOUTH 3009M. LOST--In Clifton, last Saturday night: male beagle hound; please notity Al Wald, SOuth 5254 W.

Reward. WILL party who picked up lady's umbrella by mistake please return to Eagles Hall. E. Eighth-st, Covington. 9 Notices FRYERS, 24c lb.

E. H. Groger, 6 miles L. L. Highway, phone Ind.

1837. NOVELTY LOTTO--By Mayflower Couricil D. of A. at Goodwill Hall, 5th and Madison, Friday eening, June all embroidered pillow cases. Cards, 3' 25c.

NOVELTY LOTTO-2 for 25e: regular cards, tonight, 1030 Washington: 5 free bingos: all sugar. Mame Hagemeyer. 10 Business Services FIRSTCLASS paperhanging, $2.50 room and up. William Murphy. HE.

3243W. Buy the Best! Washable and Sun-Tested WALL PAPERS At prices as low as ordinary papers. F. H. STROTMAN SONS 1213 BANKLICK.

HEmlock 1716. HAVE YOUR HOMES 7 remodeled or re-' paired. Plans and estimates FREE for new and remodeled work, government payment plan. L. A.

Bellonby 1046 Madison ave. HEmlock 3072. A. H. FENDER, Paperhanging, painting; reas.

prices; samples shown. HE. 7305. 13a Loans on Autos AUTO LOANS WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY on your auto or REFINANCE IT. Reduce your present payments and advance you ADDITIONAL CASH.

Pay as you ride. Auto Finance Sales Co. (Incorporated) 432 Scott Covington, 14 Business Opportunities CAFE AND NIGHT CLUB--In good location: good business. HE. 8064W.

15 Male Help Wanted BUTCHER and grocer clerk: must have some produce experience: give age, ref. and salary expected. Box B-3. Ky. Post.

THE JOHN R. COPPIN CO. has opening responsible man. with experience waiting trade. essential.

Apply 10 11 Friday. 16 Salesmen and Solicitors -Grade Specialty Salesman Norge electric appliances: coti- plenty leads: Friday In. missions: phone calls. Zimmer Hardware Covington.

17 Female Help Wanted GENERAL HOUSEKEEPER family stay on place: reference required. Write Box N-1. care Kentucky Post. 18 Situations Wanted, Male BARTENDER Experienced. Write Box 8-2.

care Kentucky Post. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN- AgE 20 years, 3 yrs. high school, wishes steady ment. Ask for Earl. HEmlock 0926.

a of 3d for bath. with in: 20 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3 rooms with bath, for quiet couple. HE. 4099J. 22 Furnished Rooms COVINGTON-2 furnished rooms: mod.

ern: private; adults. 2303 Herman COVINGTON-2 pleasant light housekeeping rooms. 827 Bakewell. Greenup; attractive room; private home; reasonable. HE.

2499M. cov. Sipg. room for young man; $2.50 wk. 1714 Scott.

HE. 5617W. kitchen; adj. bath; clean, light, priv. home; adults.

312 E. 15th. Cov. NEWPORT-24 W. 7th; large front room, kitchenet; newly reas.

24 Apartments for Rent Scott, second floor. 3 or 5 porch. Key 321 Scott. COVINGTON-322 W. Robbins; 4 $8.50.

126 W. 6th, 3 $3 mo. allowance. SO. 5298M.

COV. -333 W. 9th; 2d, 3 rooms, bath, side entrance. Open. HE.

0855. -Lower 5 hdwd. tile bath, built-in features; beaut. thoroughly cleaned; garage. 1623 Scott.

825 Crescent; 4-i'm. mod. flat: private bath: large yard; $15. COVINGTON-4 2d, 1 third: light, mod. 514 Montgomery, HE.

2498M. COVINGTON 3 rooms, modern; first floor. 1213 Lee-st. COVINGTON-2233 Madison; 3 rooms and bath: second floor; $12. COVINGTON-2 2d floor, mod.

524 Crescent. HEmlock 6271W. COV-720 Scott: 4-room mod. 2d floor. East Bush; 3-room flat; 2d floor.

STEINFORT BROS. HEmlock 0815. COVINGTON-2 apartments, 3 rms. each; newly painted and papered. 223 Pike.

furniture store, 321 Scott. LUDLOW-4-room apartment; first floor; garage. SOuth 3840J. NEWPORT-324 W. 8th; 3 2 rms.

first $5. SOuth 0475. rooms, 6 1 room, partly 6 2 rooms: front 8 BANKLICK-2 rooms, first 8 3 rooms, third floor. 10 1212 BANKLICK-3 12 STAR REALTY, 21 E. Fifth.

HE. 2094. 25 Houses for Rent tile bath; $20 Geo. E. McAtee Inc.

517 MADISON AVENUE. HEmlock 1220. DIXIE AND RIVARD-DRIVE 7-room brick house, hardwood floors, -water heat; Frigidaire; $60 117 W. brick house; arranged for rooming house. $35 25 E.

-5-rm. house, 129 E. -4-rm. brick FLATS FOR RENT 719 Garrard-st; 3-rm. flat, mod.

$12.50 15 W. Sixth-st; 3-room flat. $15.00 PARK HILLS- -Lower Jackson: 4-rm. hdw. ideal location; heat 312 Madison flat; newly decorated $12 26 Robbins-st; 3-room flat, 2d floor.

$10 824 Madison; 4-rm. 3d 517 Madison-av; 3-rm. hardwood COLD SPRINGS-Smith-rd: nice little summer cottage; garden; $10 mo. MA. 2990.

COVINGTON-1620 Greenup; mod. except furnace; $20; moving allowed. 5-rm. modern: garage; $24. 1330 Maryland.

HEmlock 0248R. COVINGTON-5 or 6-rm. house; reas. rent. MA.

0413 or AV. 9354R. COVINGTON-3-rm. cottage, bath, electric, gas. 2106 Donaldson.

Inq. 2045 Madison. HEmlock 0936W. house. 107 W.

Second. Harry J. Steenken, Kyle's-lane, Ft. Mitchell. house, modern; garage.

1223 Holman. HEmlock 3424R. ERLANGER-5 rooms, modern; garage. FLORENCE 3-room house, Dixie Highway; also 3-room flat. R.

G. KINMAN. DIxie 7434M. 37 Miscellaneous for Sale PAINT your whatever you you must know that paints will do a extensive supply. Save's Special All colors for Interior SAVE'S 5 Turpentine, Wood Filler, SAVE PAINT 523 Madison Ave.

AMPLE PARKING MINNOWS AND WORMS- -Also 7x9 tent. HEmlock 3697W. 38 Wanted to Buy 25 Houses for Rent 30 car WILL FILED 35 YEARS AGO IS BASIS OF SUIT Daughter of Former President of Tobacco Firm Seeks Declatory Judgment OTHER HEIRS HAVE DIED Question Is on Standing of Grandchildren, Not Mentioned in Will Virginia L. Hodge, daughter of the late Howell L. Lovell, former president of the Lovell-Buffington Tobacco a large Covington concern of a generation ago, filed suit yesterday in Kenton Circuit Court seeking a declaration of her rights under terms of her father's will, probated in 1900 in Kenton county.

The estate, bequeathed to Mrs. Emma R. Lovell the widow; Mrs. Hodge, and two other daughters, Mrs. Mary L.

Sayre and Fanny B. Lovell, amounted to $783,384 and additional property when the will was probated. In her petition, Mrs. Hodge recites that, since the will was probated, her mother and sisters have died. Fanny B.

Lovell left no heirs. Mrs. Sayre, however, has a grandson, Marion Lewis Lovell Short, who with the Security Trust Lexington, as trustee, is named defendant in the petition. Claims All Net Income Mrs. Hodge claims that she is entitled to the net income from all of the estate, and sets out that the defendants, claim, that Sayre the passes remain- to her grandson.

Mrs. Sayre died last month, the petition states. A daughter of Mrs. Sayre, Mrs. Whileminia Short, died Feb.

25, 1916. The grandson is a son of Short. Mrs. Sayre's share of the estate when the of Mr. Lovell was probated, $92,293 placed in the wills Security Trust Co, in addition to property.

One of the parcels of property was a 218-acre farm near Lexington. Emma R. Lovell's share was 505; Fanny B. Lovell's 293, and Mrs. Hodge's share, 293.

Grandchildren Problem According to Mrs. Hodge's petition. the will made provisions for children of the heirs, but not for grandchildren. The question is she is entitled to the entire income or half, the other half being the right of Marion Short. Mrs.

Hodge, the widow of former Judge John T. Hodge, Campbell county, now lives in Maine. The Lovell family was a prominent one in northern Kentucky. The petition is filed under the Declaratory Judgment Act. It was filed through Rouse and Price, Covington law firm.

Weber's Cafemen Come From Rear The Weber's Cafe team overcame a four-run lead last night to administer a thorough defeat to the Clover Leaf team in the Newport Social League, 20 to 6. The victory is the third of the season for the Cafes and the team is tied for lead fith the Saratoga Club. thine credit for the victory of last night goes to mer, winning twirler. After a shaky Arst frame Plummer rallied to hold his opponents in check. FORMER MAYOR'S SON IS TAKEN BY DEATH Funeral Services for Arthur Krieger, Postal Employe, To Be Held Friday at 2 P.

M. Funeral services for Arthur H. Krieger, 29 East Tenth street, Newport, postal employe and son of the late Edward L. Krieger, former Newport mayor, will be held at the residence Friday at 2 p. m.

Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery. Mr. Krieger was 51. He died Tuesday following a long illness. Mr.

Krieger was a member of the Newport Commandery No. 13, Knights Templars; Robert Burns Masonic Lodge, Newport; Cincinnati Shrine, and Olive Branch Chapter of Masons, Newport. He had been employed in the Newport Postoffice for the past 27 years. He leaves his widow, Ella Krieger; five daughters, Misses Virginia, Florence, Rose Marion, Billie and Georgie Lee Krieger; one sister, Mrs. Florence Bowman, Ft.

Thomas, and one brother, Dr. William A. Krieger, Newport. Fred A. Erschell Son, Newport, have charge of the funeral.

CLASSES HOLD SHOW Highlands High School Departments Entertain With Exhibition A large crowd of northern Kentuckians visited an exhibit of work from the Manual Arts and Home Economics departments of Highland High School, Ft. Thomas, at the school last night. Featured among the exhibits were household articles, sewing and cooking. The evenings' program closed with a style show of dresses made by the Home Economics Department. SUES LANDLORD FOR INJURIES Suit for $5020 for alleged injuries sustained on Feb.

8 in a fall down stairs in the defendant's home was filed Thursday in Campbell Circuit Court by Abby M. Wempe, Bellevue, against Julius Berends, 410 Grandview avenue, Bellevue. The plaintiff charges in her petition that she rented an apartment in the defendant's home and fell down a dark stairway. It was further charged that the defendant refused to have the stairway lighted. Oscar H.

Forster is attorney for the plaintiff. ELSMERE-Wells-av; 3-room cottage; electric; garden: $8 month. MAin 2990. FT. MITCHELL 6 rooms, modern; screened porch; garage.

30 Belmont-av. end of car line; $30. HE. 7781W. MADISON-PIKE-5 $30.

24th, 7 $35; also others. TIME TO BUY--WE SELL. Dixie Gateway Realty Co. HE. 2130.

Madison at Ninth NEWPORT-23 W. Seventh; 6-r'm. $20. CLIFTON-9 3-car garage, $20. KLATCH.

SOuth 0475. THIRD, 123 -Four-room frame cottage, bath; good condition. EASTERN and 17TH- 5 bath. Tel. HEmlock 0617-3515.

26 Furnished Houses BEAUTIFUL 5-room mod. home; hdw. radio, laundry; expensively and completely furn. rathskeller; conv. cool in summer.

Key 4407 Huntington-av COVINGTON-Beaut. 2-r'm. private bath, completely ideal location: bus and car line. HE. 4638J.

flat; nicely furnished; reasonable, 536 Madison. nice clean rooms, private bath; everything furnished; bed linens laundered; 2d $5 week. HE. 2847. 600 GREENUP.

COVINGTON-30 W. Sixth-st; 2 rooms, private bath and private entrance. LUDLOW-304 Adelia-av; 4 strictly G. E. refrig.

SO. 4892M. 9-10 a.m. NEWPORT-611 Park; 3 rooms, private bath, furnished nice; garage; $6 week. NEWPORT 4 desirable rooms; adults only; $25.

203 Tenth. 33 Pets, Poultry, Stock 2 GOOD MILK GOATS--Also goat milk. HEmlock 7374J-6135. 35 Household Goods L. A.


HE. 0360. ALL KINDS of turniture wanted. Newport Auction, 518 York-st. SOuth 1831.

BRAND, NEW price. bedroom 531 suite, Madison, 3-piece Covington. walCOMBINATION Coal and Gas Stove; firstclass condition. 307 Pike, Bromley. GRUNOW REFRIGERATOR- -Finish slightly marred; SO.

6178. OIL STOVES--ICE UP KENTON FURNITURE. 126 PIKE. REBUILT ELECTRIC WASHER--Agitator type; guaranteed, $19; easy terms. Rebuilt cylinder type washer, guaranteed, $12; easy terms.

Parry's Electric Shop, 2014 Madison. 36 Sewing Machines SEWING MACHINES AND SWEEPERS- terms. Repair all makes; call for, deliver. HEmlock 0325. 1307 Greenup.

SEWING MACHINES $5 up; guaranteed; repair any make. 904 York-st, Newport. SOuth 2020. 37 Miscellaneous for Sale SUPPLIES paint needs are-want to paint well, only good quality worthwhile job! See our House Paint $1,45 or Exterior, 3-Year Guarantee. Gal ASBESTOS ROOF COATING LACQUE $1.50 Linseed Oil, Varnish Stain, Red Roof Paint, Roof Cement.

SUPPLY CO HEmlock 0196 SPACE IN REAR BARRELS-50 gallon size, $1.25. Liberty Second and Madison. Cov. 38 Wanted to Buy FOR CASH YOUR Old Gold Over 78 years of square dealing is assurance that you will receive fair, honest prices for your old gold rings, chains, jewelry, dental plates, immediate cash. MOTCH THE 613 MADISON JEWELER M.

MEISEL 1322 Madison HE. 1280 Always pays best prices for RAGS, IRON, OLD NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES and other junk. We also send truck for above goods. WANTED-50 pianos, uprights and players: highest cash prices. HE.

7325. 39 Exchange, Real Estate KY. FARM- soil: small loan. For Covington or Cincinnati property. Call afternoon.

Owner, 520 Montgomery. 40 Wanted, Real Estate -5-room 1-floor plan brick. in WANTED Mitchell or Park Hills: we have cash buyers. NOEL. 31 E.

7th. HE. 1618. 41 Farms for Sale 50 ACRES -Close 6-rm. modern house: for flat will consider trade building or small house difference.

LATONIA LAKES-26 acres; 5-rm. house: electric: $3750. THORNTON. HE. 0761.

42 Lots for Sale CHOICE LOT- Ft. Mitchell: cheap: 50x $1150. Burdsall Sub. HE. 0248R 250: FT.

THOMAS -CHOICE LOT AND HOME BARGAINS. W. DUCKER. 50. 3300 43 Houses for Sale COVINGTON-1309 Banklick: 7 rooms.

toilet. 2 2 flats, concrete garages: $1500 quick sale. 2-ROOM HOUSE Modern: trade fOr smaller property. HEmlock 0259W. FT.

MITCHELL- Unusual bargain; new brick home, strictly modern. Kyle's-lane, house on right, off Dixie Highway. LATONIA-10 rooms, 2-family, modern; large lot; only $3000. HE. 0761.

43 Houses for Sale FT. MITCHELL-Practically new, beautiful 6-room home: perfect condition: strictly modern; large deep lot: fruit trees and shrubbery; owner has moved to farm and desires to sell at once; a real bargain. RUSSELL, 1837-4-room and kitchenette, brick home: selling at a bargain on account of illness. Shown by appointment only. THE NOEL CO.


HE. 6428 BLDG. ASSOCIATION PROPERTY 2614 Jame 6-room frame, strictly modern: open for inspection daily 2 to 8 p. m. Liberty Bldg.

Association. Ask for E. P. Oldham. HE.

0903. Dixie 7324. NEWPORT OWNER SAYS sell ten-room house. Two-car garage, 3-room apt, over garage. 70-ft.

lot. 1016 Central-av, give offer. Fredericks Schmidt MA. 1780. 517 47 Tires and Accessories AUTO PARTS- New and used.

Madison Avenue Auto parts, 1205 Avenue. HEmlock 7480. 48 Batteries BATTERIES $1.50 ex. up. Guar.

Wholesale- Retail EAST END BATTERY SERVICE. Oakland and Oliver. HE. 4527. 50 Used Cars for Sale FORD TOWN SEDAN-43 E.

11th, Newport. SOuth 4092. 1934 CHEVROLET COACH Less than 10.000 miles: perfect condition; want to sell badly. HEmlock 5019W. 1933 DODGE BUSINESS COUPE This has been driven about 12,000" miles, is in extra Food condition: has Ky.

I- cense: can be bought at bargain. It interested call HEmlock 29731. 27 OVERLAND Sedan: 128 Essex Sedan; Ford ton truck with license. $35 each. East End Battery Service.

Corner Oakland and Oliver. Cov. HEmlock 4527. 1932 P. A.

MODEL PLYMOUTH 4-dF. sedan; very clean; sell reas. HE. 0528J.

The Kentucky Post from Covington, Kentucky (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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